Sketches, Development and Shiny New Books

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Progress is made. I got a new book/reference, and found new direction and key words to look up.

new doc 6

Looking into the theme of ero-guro orĀ ero-guro nansensuĀ (erotic grotesque nonsense), a rebellion of grotesque imagery exploring the fragmentation of the body in Japan of the 1930s. I expanded the fragmentation of the society with its instability and purported that the body was an extension of this fragmentation, broken up in reflection of the political and economic turmoil. Looking to the works of Michael Reedy for examples of anatomical fragmentation, and The Sick Rose for examples of renaissance medical illustration, I hope to be able to make progress in this direction and to explore a narrative possibly surrounding the sick, the healed and the resurrected.

Below are selected sketches:
