Interactive Environment Research



  • Cannot focus because there’s no white noise, cannot focus because there is white noise. (unmotivated but cannot multitask, easily distracted)


    1. Discipline
    2. Attention splitting
    3. The need to multitask
    4. Environment
    5. Tv -> remote control ->cinema died
    6. Shorter attention span -> information exposure simultaneously
    7. The option of being in control…. Changes the way you do this


  • Set 5 minutes interval alarms to force myself to wake up, but got used to it so it doesn’t work anymore. (unhealthy waking habits)


    1. Sleep cycle
    2. Bedroom light remote control to help


What: Cannot focus without multitasking or having white noise / some form of distraction.

Who: Students, people working on paperwork in general

When: At the desk, office

Why: Tiredness, lack of discipline, overloaded with work, too much other distractions, brain structure


Noise from a functioning electric fan or the subtle sound that the air conditioner makes is on a relatively steady pace; enough not to be distracting. To an introvert, this stability in sound levels provides a certain degree of comfort.

Even though you need it to focus, your prefrontal cortex craves novelty.

New stimuli cause a surge of endogenous opioids to the reward-seeking parts of the brain. It feels good to indulge in distractions.

This not only makes it incredibly difficult to focus on a single complex task, it makes you more likely to complete a dozen simpler, more inconsequential tasks like responding to email or making phone calls, rather than tackle bigger, more significant projects.

Lastly, a new type of multitasking is emerging in the digital age of information overload. Continuous partial attentioninvolves mentally skimming several streams of incoming data simultaneously and gleaning only the relevant details from each.

You’re simultaneously aware of multiple streams of information, sifting it all in the back of your mind and shifting your attention to whichever stream is most urgent or interesting. Modern technology gives us access to incredible amounts of incoming data, and we’re using this type of multitasking to quickly pull helpful information from a wealth of available resources.

It’s called the Yerkes-Dodson Law, and it basically states that there’s an optimal arousal level for getting your stuff done. And, a thrilling event puts you way too far past that optimal level—which makes it hard to concentrate.

Psychologically if you dislike what u do then its gonna hinder. Also, if youre too tired.

Fortunately, I have discovered a way to close out the din: white noise. With the sounds of tropical Hawaiian rain or music from Pzizz (a software application that generates random sound tracks guaranteed to shuttle me off to dreamland), I can quiet the morning commotion and drift off to rest.


What about other noises, though? According to some studies, silence really is golden when tackling the most difficult tasks. When learning or analyzing highly complicated material, our brains process information significantly more quickly without ambient noise. The extra brainpower required to interpret the noise input increases the amount of processing that your already overloaded brain has to deal with. When the ambient noise is particularly loud or grating during difficult tasks, it can even have a negative impact on your health, quickly raising your blood pressure and stress levels.

Still, noise can have its benefits. When doing routine or moderately difficult studying, low chatter and noise (such as the ambient noise at a coffee shop or in the student center) can actually help your brain filter material and spot the most important information more easily. When using tools for adaptive flashcards (like the ones designed by Brainscape), such noise may even allow you to remember each individual piece of information better. Even more interestingly, a moderate level of ambient noise actually is ideal for creative thinking. Apparently, moderate noise increases processing difficulty, which in turn promotes abstract processing. In other words, the extra work our brain has to do while processing a problem or task in a relatively noisy environment gives us the extra push we need to find more creative solutions.



White noise generator

Sound-proof Earpiece




  1. Creating an immersive environment for deep focus
    1. A room dedicated to uni-tasking with adjustable ambient light and sound
    2. A virtual space meant for uni-tasking with adjustable ambient light and sound
    3. A helmet that keeps one focus on one task at a time




Repeating this wrenching process by pressing snooze frequently puts your cardiovascular system through such a shock again and again, causing what Walker says is “multiplicative abuse to your heart and nervous system.”

If that wasn’t bad enough, then snoozing can also adversely affect you on a hormonal level by increasing your body’s level of cortisol, a hormone that is released when you’re stressed.

Sleep expert Neil Robinson explains that “by dozing off for those extra minutes, we’re preparing our bodies for another sleep cycle, which is then quickly interrupted — causing us to feel fatigued for the rest of the day that lies ahead.”

  1. Get enough sleep
  2. Be consistent
  3. Turn off electronics before sleep


    1. Keep alarm at other side of the room
    2. Set proper bedtime routine
    3. Body clock alarms
    4. Sunrise alarm clocks
    5. Gentle waking with smart watch
    6. Quirky alarm clocks that run away from you


  1. A room environment switcher to help with waking
  2. A bubble helmet that helps you to wake up after you wear it
  3. An AR ‘game’ that helps you get up by letting you work on tasks

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