4D: Paradox

My paradoxical space was created through an unrealistic manipulation of the bulldozer along the hawker centre at the soon to be demolished Old Woodlands Town Centre. The juxtaposition of size seeks to communicate how Singapore’s extremely fast development results in the loss of landscapes that embodies the nation’s culture and heritage.

I also enhanced the brightness of the bulldozer to make it even more striking and out of place, increasing the level of dominance it has in the image. I also included people whom are struggling to keep afloat as the bulldozer approaches them.

I remembered some key feedback for this image:

  1. The bulldozer was  missing a person controlling it – possible to add someone and show him being nonchalant and ruthless towards the people it’s drowning away.
  2. the landscape chosen should be more iconic or have a clearer indication of where is the place exactly.

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