Painting Progress


This is a picture that I took when I was in Taiwan. I chose this picture mainly for its tight composition. However, the lighting in this picture is quite even out, so I think I might have some problems trying to emote the mood through lighting when I am painting.

Draft Sketches

Colour TestsĀ 

I believe that I had better control with tonal difference in my second colour test but I think there is still a lack in my lighting control. I also feel like I need to have better control with my neutral colours.

This was a draft I did after considering the comments given. I think my colours are more cohesive now and the picture is really coming together. But I think I have to increase the chroma of 1 or 2 buildings to raise the contrast of the picture as a whole.

FINAL WORK #1Sights of Taiwan | 48 cm x 17 cm


Draft Sketches

Colour Tests

Final Work #2
The Fishsoup Coffeeshop | 23 cm x 26 cm


Copy of Ivan Shishkin’s Work