4DII – Assignment 2

the brief for assignment 2 was mainly on sound.

we had to brainstorm on a storyline that is a parallel narrative. it was quite tough for me because my forte is not storytelling. but luckily for my group mates who are great storytellers, we managed to come up with a storyline that everybody was happy with.

however, i was a little apprehensive on our group’s story at first because i was afraid there were too many dialogues, hindering the main element of our assignment – sound.

i didnt add any background noise to my video as i wanted the narrative to explain itself, as well as the semiotics of the film.

the film starts off with the sound of a person typing on the keyboard. the scene starts off with a black screen, but preceeds with the sound. this was done using the J-Cut, which we learnt it during class. i used this technique because i felt it starts off with a surprise, especially with the black screen in place.

notification sounds are added in the next scene where the notifications pop up so to create a more engaging experience.

the door creek was specially added as well because i wanted to build up the tension of eerieness after a long pause of a lack of noise.

flashbacks were edited into black and white because i wanted to create a contrast in time. the warp sound is added before the flashbacks because i felt that it enhances the experience in telling people that it is a flashback. also, the visual parallel cuts were made to pop and go off to give it a exciting visual effect.

throughout this whole project, i’ve learnt alot of new skills and techniques. i’ve learnt how to specially select which areas to separately record sound with the zoom mic, learnt how to enhance our movie to make it look as real and promising through visual effects (fake blood from talented Jia Qi), and playing with sound effects (downloading off the internet, increasing the volume of certain areas), and the filming process (i am a noob in film. i really am. but im really glad to learn some techniques from promising film directors aka Jia Qi and Hui Min (who was so kind to help us with acting)).