in Assignment 2 – Research & Process, My Work

Editorial Illustration, Part IV (Thumbnails and Concept)


I had a few ideas at this point (See the concept for each on each as a caption when you hover over the thumbnail). Ultimately, as the concepts got too broad, Prof and I decided that we should narrow down to a more focused concept. Despite the diversity of ideas generated, Prof noticed that the robot is a constant fascination of mine. I concluded that it was because robots are the logical antithesis to empathy, as they would not have ‘hearts’ or emotions, at least not as of now.  Below are some of the robot thumbnails I had.

This new direction sparked the discussion of AIs, emotions, and lack of empathy. As a society we may move forward technologically and intellectually, but we may be losing the heart and moving away from empathy.


Ultimately, I settled with an isometric maze in which the robots are moving away from the centre of the maze at which the heart would be, to illustrate the lack of empathy instead.

Next post, I will have my pencil comps.