Category Archives: Process

4D Project 2 Process

Some birds

The waves

Soup being cooked in a pot, boiling

The gas is about to be lit up

A cigarette is lit up

A guy sits in solace at the beach

He notices a couple walking on the beach

He looks at his pack of cigarettes


His pack of cigarettes is empty

A hand extends over to offer a stick

He looks up

It’s a girl that offered it to him. She is smiling her face says “Want one?”

Guy is blown away

*Fast Forward*

Guy looks worried/unhappy

Girl is shouting and arguing with him, he is seated she is standing

She pushes him

Her fingers to knead into his chest

He gets mad

He shouts back

Girl leaves. She closes the door

Guy sinks into chair

Stares at ashtray with used cigarettes

*Out of flashback*

A cigarette bud is in the sand

Part of beach where guy was sitting is empty