Assignment 3: Phase 2

  1. Duo project idea using typical ADM resources with budget of max 500$, over 1 year: A competition of social experiment. 3 candidates (target on primary school kids). Game rule: give each of them $100, then we have $200 left, that will be the award for the person won in the game. We will document the process and see after one year who will make the good use of the money. The most meaningful one will win. Any outcomes are possible. The competition tests how they manage the use of money. Budget items:
    • Fund $100×3,
    • Award money $200
    • Advertisement (online application) $0 (can be created online)
    • Documentary $0 ( We have our own self camera, equipment borrowed from ADM)


    2.  An interactive wall built up by boxes. By moving the boxes, you can generate sound. It is to simulate how we deal with people the when in the public space, for instance, in the crowded train.  People need some personal space but sometimes you have to compromise it because you don’t own the space. This installation portrays sometimes how we find our own comfort zone in the public space. If there is enough time given, I would like to build a wall with boxes, it allows visitors to interact more when they walk by.

    This is a 3 D illustration for a better understanding5

    There are 9 rectangular boxes in total stacking up. There is a frame to secure the boxes. People could stand in front or behind the boxes. By moving the boxes, the motor inside each box will be triggered, hence the sound will be generated.  It is to simulate how we deal with people the when in the public space, for instance, in the crowded train.  People need some personal space but sometimes you have to compromise it because you don’t own the public space. This installation portrays sometimes how we find our own comfort zone in the public space. The sound is the emotion when we get frustrated and annoyed to move to another space reluctantly.



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