Final Assignment – Process Part 2

Landscape painting

This is my progress for the landscape painting topic  as I only just started working on it in my previous post. Did some value paintings to further explore possible compositions.


But I still prefer what I posted previously in terms of composition, so for my colour test I tried to incorporate what I liked from these compositions. This colour test one has more blue – cyan tint and has a cool tone compared to the previous colour test that I did. I think the previous test worked better in terms of colour harmony. I also feel that there can be a greater jump in values for the atmospheric perspective as now it looks very cluttered.


Comparison to previous colour test:


I also did a rough master study of Ivan Shishkin’s work to practice colour mixng. After working on it I realised how many layers he needed to paint over in order to achieve the density and richness and I was unable to replicate it in my quick study.





I further refined it digitally because I layered too much in some areas and couldn’t get the lighter colours to show.

Overall I think I got the shades of green slightly off as the original had more of a yellowish warmness to them.

It was still a much needed painting practice. 🙂

Will work on the final pieces after this!

Link to previous post:

Published by

Chi Haru Lim

Aspiring animator and visual development artist at ADM. I like cats and dabble in photography.

4 thoughts on “Final Assignment – Process Part 2”

  1. Good range of green colors. The small building is a bit too central but not a big issue. You are able to discover wider range of subtle colors. You can expand this idea to other colors too, like purple, blue and other browns or red..

  2. The value study of the mountain landscape works well. Pay more attention to the design of shapes. Now the inclined angles of the shapes are very similar. I find a few samples and show you.

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