Micro-Project 1-Tele-Stroll: Series of Acts

Tele-Stroll: walk, talk and sharing of two spaces in two disparate locations.

3, 2, 1 and we are live!

A social broadcasting project, Tele-stroll: Series of Acts shows two girls accompanying each other home through going live on Instagram and putting up a media performance for their viewers and for each other.

“See you on the other side”

The “third-space”, a virtual platform, brings people from different locations together. This project highlighted the “third-space” where the two girls created a stage for a series of acts.

Acts and Synchronization

The 13 minutes long social broadcasting experience consists of 4 acts together with the synchronization of actions throughout.

Act 1: Hand Dance (01.21 to 01.43)


An unconventional dance movement that involves mainly the hands and fingers has become increasingly popular. Taking one screen per person, Zhen Qi and I learnt the hand dance moves for the first act.

Below is a video of the tutorial we followed for hand dance act:-

With large difficulties in aligning the screens and synchronizing with each other, we scraped a large portion of the hand dance and incorporated countings to be in-sync with each other.

Act 2: Humming and the Invisible Piano (04.50 to 05.05)

We hummed along to the chorus of The Saints Go Marching. Since it is a walk home from school, we thought singing tunes would kill the boredom and mundane walk. Adding a little spice to it, the split screen function allowed us to create an arm, playing the invisible piano to the tune. That concludes our second act.

Act 3: The Invasion of the Bird (05.09 to 05.39)


Living in a green city, we often hear the birds in the trees and we thought we add that into our walk home. Act 3 uses our hands to form a bird like figure on the screen. Whistling to mimic the sounds of the birds, we cued for the “bird” to take over the screen, as if to take over our social broadcast.

Act 4: Emoji Face! (13.00 to 13.17)


With emojis getting so much limelight, even the creation of emoji pillows, we thought how can we not include emoji faces with the split screen! We then created a series of emojis, 

Lastly, with two friends, how can we forget the heart emoji! Then we created our own friendship heart gesture, simply by tilting our hands downwards from the last gesture, bidding goodbye.

Synchonization came into the picture throughout, like placing the opening the doors of ADM at the start and completing an image of a zebra crossing albeit from a different location altogether.


Despite the numerous dry runs we have to make and having to deal with the lag time of the live, the overall experience was something new because prior to this assignment, I have yet to try going live on my social media platforms. Tapping onto the split screen nature of the live stream to create a totally different experience with the collaboration of both parties live was a fresh experience.



Open Source promotes DIWO (Do It With Others)

Summary of the readings

Open Source is a platform where the community can access to shared information, utilizing the human capital to a greater extent. Stemming from the hacker culture, Open Source, liberated the otherwise restricting and inflexible means of creative production, promoting DIWO (Do It With Others).

Open Source allow for virtual sharing of content using the World Wide Web on cyberspace. This has largely shrunk the “distance” between artists and viewers of art. Responding against proprietary models, Open Source, has made creative productions a common good, available to the mass without monetary profits. In the case of Open Source softwares like Linux, the accessibility to the source code can allow for alterations by innovative programmers to execute a modified programme. As such, the concept of Open Source has turned the World Wide Web into a platform for synergistic interactions of the mass, updating or enhancing current information.

Before the liberty for synergistic interactions, restrictions were imposed, putting a price tag to the accessibility to datas. That led to a rise of hackers. Richard Stallman, a researcher of MIT AI Lab and the father of the idea of Open Source, pushed for the idealization of the concept. As a hacker, he provided free UNIX (operating system) under the GNU project as he thought the proprietary model was discouraged openness and the exchange of ideas. Linux and GNU are some prominent examples of liberal softwares with Open Source development in the 90s. A basic license called the General Public License (GPL) was implemented, allowing for modification and distribution of softwares. Owing to Stallman’s leadership in the Open Source field, the Open Source culture still continues today, benefitting billions.

A more detailed and concise history of Open Source can be found in the infographic below:-

taken from: http://www.mdgadvertising.com/blog/the-history-of-open-source-software-infographic/

The decline of traditional proprietary practices has allowed for a more collaborative art scene, highlighting Yochai Benkler’s idea of “peer production”. In fact, the essence of Open Source requires for collaboration and inputs from the masses, otherwise the concept is considered futile. The Open Source culture make ideas and information as readily accessible as possible, leading to more gain than loss to the community. Traditional proprietary practices is a more isolated and individualized way of creative production, more contained within an atelier. Per contra, Open Source creates a mean for sharing and collaborating without a gatekeeper. Aforementioned in the first paragraph, Open Source creates virtual interactions for inputs. This creates a constantly advancing and conclusive community of sharers, creators, learners and teachers, promoting DIWO.

To end off, below is a video about the origin of Open Source and interesting facts about it:-

What is Open Source? // your phone probably runs it! (WITH LEGO) by Danielle Thé

Additional Inputs

Technological advancement plays a key role in allowing Open Source to strive. It is with the access to computers and the World Wide Web, does it allow the mass to contribute and receive inputs. Technological advancement globalized the world, shrinking “space” and “time”. Please Change Beliefs by Jenny Holzer discussed in class is an apt example. With the “third space” available, people from different countries are able to gain access to the site, crippling the physical distance. Also, since it is available 24 hours, assuming to infinite time, the site technically compiles inputs from the people of the past, present and the future. Essentially breaking the barriers of actual space and time, Open Source is a marvellous tool that continues to exponentially advance us as a community with DIWO.

In fact, in ADM itself this practice is prevalent, with our very own Open Source Studio (OSS). The community based sharing and collaborative site allows for the display of creative productions online (yet not restricting the nature of the art work, tradition or digital mediums).

taken from: https://oss.adm.ntu.edu.sg/

Peer-to-peer interactions can be seen with the comment section open for insightful feedbacks or comments. Ergo, such platforms continues to inspire the newer generation of creators.

Additional Readings

Collaboration with Lean Media: How Open-Source Software Succeeds

Open Source Software and the “Private Collective” Innovation Model: Issues for Organization Science