Typographic Portrait

I am very into textures and using unconventional materials to express my ideas. I enjoy the use of a different sense to accentuate my idea.

Keith/Random Fingerprint

ARTIST / MAKER: Chuck Close
MEDIUM: stamp-pad ink and pencil on paper

Typography Mania #153 | Abduzeedo


3D Typography Book Giveaway | Abduzeedo


Creative Director: Shin Oh
Agency: Interone
Client: Burger King
Location: Germany


Author: Diane Lim

ADM | 21 | @common_err (Instagram)

One thought on “Typographic Portrait”

  1. You have GREAT reference and resource but where are they coming from..we are on the web- you need to have name of the image Author, and where did you get the image from 🙂

    Artist’s name if known. Title of artwork. Date of the artwork if known. Museum, collection
    or individual that it belongs to, the city where the owner is located, Title of
    book or periodical that the image is found in. Author of the book. Location of
    publisher: publisher, date.
    Statement of Use.

    Example, Image 1:

    Citation: Vinci, Leonardo da. Mona Lisa. 1503-1506. Louvre, Paris. Gardner’s Art
    Through The Ages. By Helen Gardner. Fort Worth, TX : Harcourt College, 2001.

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