

Marathons, half-marathons and Triathlons.
Huge gatherings of people that comes together to be active.
For most people it’s an event to prove or improve psychical abilities, and this can differ from each person. Today, the most common monitoring system of each runner is RFID tags, which monitors your time during the run
But there is a lot of things under the surface to a great performance. The goal with TagAid is to explore the indicators to a great run, and replace the RFID tags with a more in-depth device with the same wearable features.

Wearable technologies has entered a phase of huge improvement, and the abilities to implement technology into textile is now used in many cases around the world.
TagAid can take advances of some of these techniques, and monitor four indicators during the run:

1. Blood pressure
2. Pulse
3. Temperature
4. GPS tracking

This information will be transmitted through a WIFI network, and the end result will be a tracking software for the medical staff and statistics available to each runner on an online platform. This way possible dangers can be detected by the medical staff and results can be universally enjoyed be every participant.
But it’s not always about the psychical abilities, but psychological features can often be very significant. The TagAid will try to improve these features by taking use of Ghost running. Ghost running is proven to be a very useful tool to improve the motivation during a run (see article below). The Ghosts
pace will be adjusted according to the data that is dynamically collected.

The core goals of the TagAid product is achievable as a wearable technology, but in order to become a success, people should be comfortable wearing it. The idea, that is a working process, is to have the technology implemented as a compression sleeve on the arm of the runner. This even opens up opportunities to have a display or at least more information displayed during the run.

  • Bio-metric sensors
  • Thermocouple
  • Magnetic Strip
  • Strain Sensors
  • Galvanic skin response
  • Muscle sensor
  • Heart rate sensors
  • GPS
  • RFID



Why would people start wearing these if they weren’t athletes.

How would it benefit them as regular runners and as competitive runners.


Things that we would be working on this coming week is to run our surveys, gather more information from marathon runners and create user personas to design for.



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