Micro-project 2: Tele-stroll

Micro-Project 2: Tele-Stroll

This project was supposed to be a reflection of how two artists would collaborate to create an almost telepathic walk with both parties walking in two different areas.

In this project I paired up with Farzana to create just that.

The Plan

The initial idea is for the video to reflect the more personal use for technology, and how we use it in our everyday lives. Hence we used it to simulate a study session.

The locations we chose was a library setting and a home setting, which are common areas that students choose to study for thir projects. However in both scenarios one would act rather differently when studying. In this case Farzana is ‘studying’ in the library and I am ‘studying’ in hall.

We also planned to synchronised our actions from a certain time and attempt to join up our actions in others. It kind of reflect the kind of studious mentality that every singaporean has growing up in this rat race environment.  Subsequently, there is a change in action for the at ‘home’ set up, showing a more distractable nature when you are in a place of comfort rather then outside. This results in more movement and a change in evironment, to want to break free from studying and just wander about (procrastination).

The Outcome

The outcome was a little haphazadous. Due to the poor internet connection, some of the video got buffered on my end, due to the more obscure locations I wandered to.

Posted by Ros Farzana on Wednesday, 24 January 2018

The Reflection

I find this form of video taping quite personal, almost like walking and talking with your friend in real life. Even for something as simple as studying, one does not need to leave the comforts of their home any more to find company.