Final Project Proposal 3 – “Cooking Mama” Real Life (Digital Cooking)

Some children are so avid about cooking, but parents are afraid they would get burns or cause fire. Some children are simply not exposed to cooking, because these days, home economics are not a popular subject to take in the era of booming technology. Some adults are just aspiring cook who likes to watch Tastemade, but are too afraid of real fire and boiling oil. Or, they become too lazy to cook the most mouthwatering dishes, but complicated, because it took too much space in their shared fridge. If only there is a place with a machine where children, or adults can play the cooking game, and get the real food based on how they have ‘cooked’ it.


Expose people to more cooking experience without having to manually cook it.

Possible Research & Interview

  1. Rate of people who want to cook but never do so.
  2. Rate of people who wish cooking can be as easy as “Cooking Mama”, a gameboy and Nintendo DS game.
  3. What children and adults think about cooking.
  4. Popularity of computer cooking game.


after it’s done… TADDAH

You can eat “your own cooking result!”

Published by

Feliciana Natali

Product Design student graduating in 2019

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