4D Assignment 4 – Find Me Trailer




“When everything falls apart and the light goes dark, love comes.”

“And truth is not the same as what it seems.”

Elijah is an aspiring photographer who is preparing for an exhibition. Unfortunately, he experiences a car crash and his parents passed away. His eyesight starts to deteriorate, believed to be caused by a severe form of depression: hysterical blindness. His conditions worsens as his world falls apart.

As a photographer, Elijah suffers even more. His photography skills are affected by his impaired vision, his exhibition is at stake. Janet, his assistant, noticed Elijah’s sufferings and is willing to help him through thick and thin. He develops a liking for Janet.

However, Janet starts to find out that something is not right regarding Elijah. His parents did not die due to a car accident. Elijah starts to remember something buried deep in his memory, a dark past that he has forgotten from that tragic day.

Who is Elijah?




From this project of shooting a trailer, our group learnt the ups and downs of actually taking the time and filming one. Even with pre-preparation through watching trailers made by the professionals, going heads into the project and really doing it with our hands was a great experience that we feel could only be taught through this.

First and foremost, we changed our original plot due to the fact that the main character was not as relatable, nor strong. This created a sense of distance for the audience and changing it helped the story to flow better with better dynamics. We also thought that incorporating a mystery also adds a very interesting twist, making the trailer more compelling.

While filming for “Find Me”, there were definitely setbacks that held us with instances like how to plan our shots, how to tweak the story to make the character/story more appealing, deal with inconsistency with our story, or even locations that were not suitable and had to be changed at the last minute.

Overall, it was definitely a wonderful experience that was fulfilling and also very fun, mainly due to the ability for us to work so well as a team. Everyone was very co-operative and extremely supportive of each other, we are very thankful for having each other as teammates 🙂



Process – Story

The story is a combination of Find Me by Alfred and Clandestine by Gladys. By taking almost equal amount of elements from both stories, we crafted an interesting twist in the final story: Find Me.

Original Find Me by Alfred is about a young man who lost his family in a car crash. He was depressed because of the deaths of his parents and eventually developed hysterical blindness. Love seemingly rescued him from his depression and also his disabilities of losing his eyesight. In conclusion, the story is about his struggle and how he fought his hopelessness. (Genre: Tragedy, Drama)

In the other hand, Clandestine by Gladys is about corporate warfare in the modern setting. The story is about the wife of a businessman who is caught in a moral dilemma: to support her husband’s evil schemes or to expose him. (Genre: Psychological Thriller, Drama)

As a result, the final Find Me took the idea about a young man who lost his parents from the original Find Me and a woman who faces moral dilemma from Clandestine. To create a better flow of the story, we added the idea that the death of the parents are not because of an accident, but potentially a murder which is a mystery to unveil.



Process – Editing


An early trial edit of the first few footages taken.

The result felt more like a short film, we ought to make it more trailer-like by jumbling some of the sequence and changing the music.




We did most of the work together, planning the story sequence and art direction as a team.  

  • Gladys: Main editor and cameraman, actor
  • Alfred: Main actor and story writer, editor
  • Feli: Main Animator/effects and story writer, cameraman




  • Trailer: “I Started A Joke” by Becky Hanson
  • Process: “The Last of Us” by Gustavo Santaolalla




  • Kranji memorial park
  • Shaw Tower
  • Gladys’ house
  • NTU’s Hive, ADM, Hall
  • Singapore Zoo
  • Bugis area
  • SAM






Handy Spandy – 2D Nursery Rhymes Assignment

Handy Spandy, Jack-a-dandy

Loves plum cake and sugar candy.


He bought some at a grocer’s shop

And out he came, hop hop hop.


The four images above are the final images for the assignment.

The first two lines’ images are created in ‘continuation’ effect, with the intention that by combiningg the two images, the viewers can get a bigger picture of Handy Spandy’s identity.

The third and fourth lines are not ‘continuation’ even thought i tried my best to keep them in the same style as the first two. The last two images are more of like a ‘framing of an activity/event’ (just like movie framing) of Handy Spandy when he bought sweets from grocery shop and when he just finished buying them.

The approach to this final images are a mix of fantasy/abstract and realism. The Handy Spandy that you see does not accurately resemble human being, it just have some feature like eyes, mustache, wearing clothes and hat, but the hands are so inhuman and there is no feet – that’s why he hops! However, certain non-living objects are from daily life such as the cakes, the candies, trolleys.


Actually, I did jotting down ideas on my phone before hand, but I think the steps that really helped me able to materialize the ideas are through research of what previous artists had done.

The research is quite a lot, and I did type down what I was thinking as I was compiling them, so here is the pdf file of my research.


I did not follow all of the things that I have thought earlier, but I gain the confidence from doing this research.


I did sketch on my sketch book, but the images will never be as meticulously ‘drawn’ as in photoshop/illustrator directly. So, most of my experiments are digitally done. I am using Photoshop CS5.

Here are some of the process images I have done before coming to my final images.


VERSION ONE A stripes VERSION ONE A stripes one hand VERSION ONE B fail VERSION ONE B with lolly Supermarket small sizeVERSION ONE D

The 6 images above are just some of my early processes. I firstly made the Handy Spandy character an egg shape, inspired directly from Humpty Dumpty. i thought at first, maybe Handy Spandy is a character from Humpty Dumpty’s world, but that our professor said to me that it looks deceiving instead (audience will think Handy Spandy is Humpty Dumpty instead). So, I think it’s wiser to change the shape of him so audience will not think that way.

I found doing the images for the first two lines fun. However, it is super tiring and hard to make the images for the other two lines :(. I was running out of ideas and started to being too literal, just like the image of Handy Spandy literally shopping cakes in a supermarket. I got less creative. The hop hop one is also hard to make since ‘hopping’ is a moving action. it’s hard to be captured in an abstract way! I haven’t known how to approach this idea of hopping at this stage.


small7 small8small5small6small4small3small2small1      small9

This second round, I tried to get rid of Handy Spandy full figure, so it could be more abstract, i hoped. The first two are rejected, since the ‘hand’ symbol doesn’t represent ‘handy-ness’ of Handy Spandy. Handy Spandy might not be a handy man, it’s just a nickname for him, so it should not use a hand symbol instead.

In this process, I approach more the use of patterns and repetition, and then I tried to see whether the negative image of the image are good or not. I like some of them, but friends said they look scary…


small12small10 small11  small15small14small13

Since the hand-shaped one is rejected, I tried different approach. I try to play with the emotion, as well as the dingbats. “Maybe the hat doesn’t have to be a hat”, so it become eyebrows. then the hand is ‘infused’ into the mustache, to give effect of ‘oops’. I feel empty at first, since the the eye is a big hollow circle. then, I playfully at bicycle to see what effect it will give. and taddah! i kinda like it. and the bicycle is able to add even more identity to the Handy Spandy! he might be a dandy but ride bicycle. The polaroid frame is an experiment to reduce the too-simple feeling.

then, in order to be consistent, I add the ‘hat effect’ to every single Handy Spandy’s face in other images. they all now have eyebrows or closed-eyes with hats.


I made these assignment for weeks, until my friends from other courses (I do my work with friends from other faculties) remember which image that they saw for the first time! #randomfact.

Anyway, this process C is actually the ‘correction’ of process A. I like the result from process B V.2, but they feel too ‘safe’ for me. just repetition, patterns. they are not bad, but I do like some concepts from process A.

So i decided to give another try by correcting process A.

HandySpandy2 VERSION 3 A one hand VERSION 3 A three hands VERSION 3 B dreaming cake VERSION 3 C flying cart 2 VERSION 3 C flying cart VERSION 3 D Fail VERSION 3 D plain VERSION 3 dreaming cakes bigger

So, firstly, i changed the shape of the Handy Spandy. I at first wanted to try hand-shape, but so hard. then heart shape, too romantic. So, i think peanut/eight-shape is neutral and pretty original. I like it so muc has it’s so smooth and cute at the same time. I didn’t regret spend more time doing this process C :).

Then, for the one with Handy Spandy holding the trolley, I LOVE IT SO MUCH. it looks like a symbol. i didn’t realize until process C that actually trolley itself is representative enough for a grocery shop/supermarket. the simpler the better, and that is really true in this matter.

I also adapt the idea of ‘hopping’ from process B: using the spring.


TBH this assignment is actually an exercise for us to get used to ‘dingbats’ and halftones. somehow after doing this, i do poster designs more easily and faster. Well, I like first assignment too, but this one is more viscom while i feel the first one is more fine-artish.


VERSION 3 C flying cart 2

My favorite image. it may or may not be Mimi’s favorite or friends’ favorite but this is my favorite. makes me wanna fly~~~~~ “He bought some from a grocer’s shop”.

The Parang of Camelot (Research and thought process)

The story of The Parang of Camelot is parallel to the story of King Arthur The Sword in The Stone. Arthur was nurtured by Merlyn to be the king of Camelot and he eventually became the only who was able to pull the sword from the stone.

For more detailed story of King Arthur: Hero of Camelot 

Below is the story structure/stages of The Parang of Camelot:

Camelot Story Stages

Hence, the first main difference between my story and the legend of King Arthur is that my story would focus slightly more on the character who is parallel to King Arthur’s stepbrother, Sir Kay. The Parang of Camelot would also focus more on the relationship between the ‘King Arthur’ and ‘Sir Kay’,  and not to focus on the love betrayal of ‘Guinevere’ with ‘Lancelot’, a famous part of King Arthur story.

The parallel between The Parang of Camelot and the legend of King Arthur:

Parallel 1 Parallel 2

The idea of infusing King Arthur legend elements into a Singapore secret society setting is come from the Singapore’s 1960-1980 setting, where the streets were still unsafe for people to have a walk at night and the crime rate was still high.

The name of the rival gang Sah Lak is not just chosen because of its similarity with ‘Saxon’, but is also because of the existence of the real Singapore secret society called “Salakau“. This gang is still exist until now and it is one of the most formidable and violent gang in Singapore. Some incidents of murders or fights in this 21st century are suspected to be done by this gang. One of the murder that also inspired The Parang of Camelot is Downtown Street Murder in 2010. I was imagining what if a brother lost his brother in such a gangster fight. And this murder left me wondering what was the reason of the murderer gang to do such killing?

Then, the parang is a direct substitute for swords, and eventually the magical parang will be a substitute for Excalibur.


This assignment becomes much more interesting as it helps me to know more about the country i live in, Singapore. I only came to Singapore in 2011. Digging the news from 2010 made me feel that now, I am a little more Singaporean now, as I hardly bother to dig Indonesian past news.

It is very interesting to know that gang and gangsters do exist in Singapore as well, since Singapore is now a first-world country.


For the movie poster, both are inspired by some of real movie posters below:

41I9XGrG88L 170px-CamelotPoster Creative-Movie-Posters-9 p3532071_p_v7_af

I didn’t follow 100% any of the poster, but the rough idea of it comes from these posters.

The black background and dark atmosphere is not because the story is a horror or/and thriller, but more of because the story is, hopefully, heartfelt and of tragedy. The red color of the title and the parang is to foretell the bloodshed that will happen because of all the gang fights and the use of parang itself. The power given by the parang leads to the lost of loved ones and instability in the society.


The Parang of Camelot

The Parang of Camelot Final 1  The Parang of Camelot Final 2

The Parang of Camelot (Action, Romance)

Set in Singapore, 1970s, The Parang of Camelot is inspired by the British legend of King Arthur, Singapore’s dark past: the time when the gangsters reigned the streets of the Little Red Dot, and the 2010 Downtown Street Murder.

Kai and Arthur Lim are stepbrothers who come from a rich family. Sadly, the family is absent of a mother figure, and their father is cold and career-oriented. For 17 years, Kai and Arthur only have each other.

One day, Arthur meets a teenager named Melvyn, sitting on the ground bleeding. He helps Melvyn, and eventually befriend him. Unknowingly, Arthur befriends a member of the biggest gangster in Singapore, Camelot. Being always at home with only Kai, Arthur finds gangster’s way of living thrilling and he wants to try. At first, Arthur is hesitant to join Camelot because gangster lives a dangerous life. However, with the promise of ‘finding a home’ in Camelot – something that Arthur has been longing all this time – Melvyn successfully recruits Arthur as the new member of Camelot.

Hearing the news, Kai becomes worried. For the sake of taking care his stepbrother, Kai decides to join Camelot. Their father does not have any idea about their sons becoming gangsters as he is too focused on his work.

However, their new lives are like boats which are sailing during the storm.


At first, everything seems fine, everything seems fun. The two brothers are accepted by the members of Camelot. They are taught how to fight with parangs, secretly do drugs and heroin transaction, and lures girls/prostitutes. However, both of them are already satisfied with fighting. Morally strong, Kai and Arthur do not sell and consume drugs, and they are not involved in the prostitution business.

Unexpectedly, the more introvert Arthur becomes more popular among the gangsters compared to Kai, despite of his extroversion and physically-stronger look. Kai felt a little bit jealous at first, but he becomes proud of his stepbrother instead as Arthur is now one of the strongest and most formidable fighter in Camelot.

One day, one of the veteran member of Camelot introduce a new member, which is his own daughter named Jen (Jennifer). Kai and Arthur fall in love with her at the first sight, and Kai told Arthur immediately that he likes Jen. Arthur decides to stop liking Jen for the sake of Kai.

Jen is attracted to Kai at first due to his physical appearance, but all of her feelings for Kai change the moment Arthur is chosen as the new leader of Camelot – and the youngest leader of the gang in history. Kai is devastated. Kai cannot accept the fact that his most trusted brother somehow ‘steal’ his lover. Kai and Arthur start to grow apart.

At the same time, Arthur’s throne does not just attract love and admiration, but also hatred and jealousy. Morgan, another youngster in Camelot, is so jealous of Arthur as Morgan has been longing to be a gang leader.

One day, Arthur sees a girl, who is actually a prostitute, being harassed publicly by a man. Arthur saves her, and eventually bring her out of the brothel to Camelot’s headquarter. Unknowingly, Arthur actually saved a prostitute from Camelot’s ultimate enemy: Sah Lak, and the man who harassed the girl is Sah Lak member. Arthur’s kindness causes an impending doom to himself and Camelot.

Sah Lak wants to kill the leader of Camelot and the man who ‘stole’ their prostitute. Morgan sees the opportunity to topple Arthur from his throne. Morgan decides to arrange the right time for Sah Lak to murder Arthur and those who support him. Morgan becomes the Judas for Jesus.

Sah Lak arrives at a playground of an ulu HDB, the place where Arthur, Kai, Jen, and some other members are spending their leisure time that day. One of Sah Lak members approach them, holding a parang, and asks, “who is the leader here? Who is the head of Camelot?”

Kai senses something dangerous, since he knows that Arthur will be chased by Sah Lak for beating up their member and ‘stealing’ their prostitute. At first, Kai wanted to care nothing about Arthur and did not mind if Arthur is killed. However, Kai still loves Arthur as his brother and best friend deep inside his heart. Kai stands up and tell Sah Lak that Kai is the leader of Camelot and the one who stole Sah Lak prostitute. Arthur is flabbergasted, and too late to save Kai from being slashed by parang right in front of him.

Arthur and the rest then fight Sah Lak for a while but they eventually run for their lives as they are not prepared with any parang.

After the incident, Arthur can only mourn for his stepbrother’s death. Not wanting to lose anymore brother or sister from Camelot, Arthur decides to educate the members of Camelot and then disband the gang after all of the members are prepared well to lead an ordinary life.



What is The First Thing in Your Mind?

I once heard that humans process things in their brains in the form of visual images.

Hungry. Food (McDonald’s fries image came out in my head)! Romance. Sunset! Stupid. Spongebob (okay I dont really know why Spongebob came first)!

So, for the task “A line is a dot that went for a walk“, I use this very primitive method to gain the initial inspiration for some of the feelings (some feelings are inspired by the monoprints and experiments that I have made).

For example: turbulence. Tornado!

let me continue this later.