For my class’ Final 2D Foundation Project we were assigned to make zines! According to the Cambridge Online Dictionary a zine is  a ​small ​magazine that is ​produced ​cheaply by one ​person or a ​small ​group of ​people, and is about a ​subject they are ​interested in. And in this project we were supposed to create an 8 page zine that talks anything about us.

I was very excited for this project, mainly because I was very glad that the semester was almost over. A part of me felt very tired and overwhelmed with my projects. I suppose that sounds a bit cynical. But the other part of me feels sad that my first year in The School of Art, Design and Media is almost over. That is why I’ve decided to explore what I’ve learn so far in an art school. But before that I lamented back what I did before coming to ADM.

Before ADM

Back in high school I came from a school that did not provide formal teachings on art, even though that was what I wanted to learn since I was in the 8th grade. But a lot of people around me at that time were not convinced that I could make it in art. I endured my high school days, but I hate most of it, because I felt forced to learn things that I didn’t find interest in. In fact a lot of my friends were pressurized to do something that they were not necessarily enjoy doing or passionate about. So by the time I was a senior in high school I knew that I wanted to pursue art. And thank God that my close family was on board with me choosing this field of study.

However some of my friends and extended family were skeptical. They would say “Oh what do artist do?”, “How are you going to get money to feed yourself?”A lot of them were under the impression that I will be unemployed in the future no matter how good I am in what I love doing. Despite all of that, my parents and my closes friends still supported me. Their support help fought through every negative comment that I had during my final year of high school.

After getting here and getting away from the negativity, I was free to do the things that I’m passionate about. I learn a lot of things, not only about art but also about life.

3 Important Things I Learn in My 1st Year of ADM

1.Principles of Design


I’ve talked about the principles of design in previous post for my Rhyme project. As I’ve said before, the Principles of Design are there to guide an artist or designer to create a dynamic composition or artwork. It was not only discuss in my 2D Foundation class, but also it was discuss throughout all of my foundation modules. This was the basic of the basics. Making the composition was the start or every art piece.

I did not realize how important it was until recently when I struck discussion with my friend in the same CCA, which was Union Shop. That person was assign to take photographs of the products. Her shot were not that bad, but some of the pictures had some problems such as balance, cropping, the background did not complement the products, etc. Before that discussion, I honestly did not take seriously these principles. Of course when I do a composition, I unconsciously keep them in mind. But when it is time to do a presentation, I have hard time explaining why I did my composition like that. Not until I came to ADM, I understand it more and became more sensitive to it

2. Deadlines


I believe everyone deal with deadlines one way or another. But what I noticed in the short amount of time I’ve been here, a lot of art students tackle this differently. Usually for each project we will be given around 4 weeks to accomplish. Well, you might say that is a long time to finish one project. But if you put into consideration that we have 5 to 6 modules in each semester you might not see it as a long period. Though arguably most our deadlines overlapped. We try our best to give attention to all of our modules, but it gets overwhelming at times. Especially if we don’t manage our time properly, deadlines can be a pain. However I see the benefits having deadlines. They definitely train your time management and remind you not to spend too much time in one particular work and neglecting the others. I personally feel having to deal with the fact that I am rushing works during the last week because I spend the other three thinking of an idea. I am trying to kick this habit and I believe my time management is getting better.

3. Embracing Creativity


As I have mention, I felt constrained before entering ADM. I mean aside feeling being forced to learn things that I did not like, I felt I did not have time to do the things I love. My time was consumed by studying subject that I was not fond of. Of course I knew I needed to finish high school so that I can enter this university. But admittedly at times it was a burden. There were times where I truly despise my high school life. I felt trapped.

But being here, I felt those burden was slowly being lifted. Not only that I can do art, but I was challenged in that field. I wanted to grow from the little knowledge that I have. I wanted to know more, explore more. I did the things that I previously could not do, whether it was because I had no time or because I was afraid to do it.

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