EGO Final: the black, the white and the grey

All about me.

The very moment that we were given the brief about this project, I have already decided to go with this particular trait of mine. Which is the inability to see the grey in life and am always looking at things in extremities. That is, there is only right or wrong in everything that we face.

Working on the project, I decided to play around with the composition as i firmly believe that what we currently are, what we will be in 5 years time, what is a better me and what is an ideal me are linked. Hence, i spent a lot of time, brainstorming on a way to link the entire equation altogether and I eventually came out with this composition as shown below.

Current me being the black and white panel in the middle and branching out to "Better Me" and eventuall "Me in 5 years" at the bottom left and "Ideal me" at the top right corner.
Current me being the black and white panel in the middle and branching out to “Better Me” and eventually “Me in 5 years” at the bottom left and “Ideal me” at the top right corner.

Working on the concept of right, wrong and the uncertainty in life, i decided that by changing who I am now, depending on how I decide to approach and face it, it can either turn out for the better or for the worse. Hence, the composition with one side going upwards and the other going downwards. Also, the black and white in each of the panels are actually made up of words that is linked to the panels itself.

So let me start with current me.

For the current me, i used the words To Do Not To Do To Say Not To Say To Go Not To Go to form the "white" and "black" of the panel which signifies good and bad respectively. And I feel that those terms best describe what we have to decide on a daily basis and these decisions, more or less defines who we are as a person.
For “Current me”, i used the words
To Do Not To Do
To Say Not To Say
To Go Not To Go
to form the “white” and “black” of the panel which signifies good and bad respectively. And I feel that those terms best describe what we have to decide on a daily basis and these decisions, more or less defines who we are as a person.

Moving towards the left, the equation was subtracting a part of my “Tendency to see judge situations in extremities” and hence a small portion of the “current me” was depicted and subtracted from the equation.

me minus
“Tendency to judge situations only in extremities”

After subtracting that, it results in me being able to see things in others’ perspectives instead of my own one and hence, the “Better Me” on the left is one which has a reflective foil in the middle where the “current me” was subtracted from. This reflects the viewers’ faces and this signifies seeing things in their perspectives.



“Better Me”: Seeing things mainly in my own extremities but having part of me which allows for me to see things in others’ perspectives. The words for this panel are
To Feel Not To feel
To Conform Not To Conform
To Accept Not To Accept

Moving down the equation, next is the addition and subtraction of everyone’s perspectives.

Different Perspectives from everybody.
“Different Perspectives from everybody.”

With the unfiltered acceptance of everyone’s perspectives in my life, I feel that I will eventually lose track of who I am as a person and what I feel is right or wrong and hence, leading to “Me in 5 Years” which is a fully reflective material but with creases and flaws all around as not everyone’s perspectives is right or positive.

Me In 5 Years: A full flawed judgement of things in life which is made up from an unfiltered acceptance and accumulation of everybody's perspectives.
“Me In 5 Years”: A full flawed judgement of things in life which is made up from an unfiltered acceptance and accumulation of everybody’s perspectives.





Moving on to the right of the equation, the first addition is the addition of the ability to see in others’ perspectives. This is different from the equation on the left as I do not lose part of myself, but instead, I gain insights and learn to see things in others’ perspectives as an add on. It is represented by a clear reflective surface which signifies the positive perspectives of others.

Ability to see in others' perspectives
“Ability to see in others’ perspectives”

Thus, with the addition of the ability to see in others’ perspectives, it leads to the “Better Me” on the right as shown below.

Better Me
“Better Me” The choice of words used to create the black and white of this panels are
To Try Not To Try
To Believe Not To Believe
To Become Not To Become

Moving up, I multiplied the equation from “Better Me” with “Fine balance between what is right or wrong and openness to new perspectives”.

"Fine balance between what is right or wrong and openness to new perspectives"
“Fine balance between what is right or wrong and openness to new perspectives”

Thus, with the multiplication of the previous panel, it leads to “Ideal me” which is a fine balance between what i believe is right and wrong and the ability to see things in others’ perspective. I believe that will be an ideal me as I can keep true to myself and at the same time not misunderstand others’ intentions and what not.

Ideal Me: as shown in the panel, an equal balance between white, black and grey. The words used are: To listen Not To Listen To Speak Not To Speak To Act On Not To Act On
Ideal Me: as shown in the panel, an equal balance between white, black and grey. The words used are:
To listen Not To Listen
To Speak Not To Speak
To Act On Not To Act On