Tag Archives: hell

Hell on Earth 人间地狱

Haw Par Villa, built in 1937, is a defunct theme park that aims to traumatize little kids into giving up their innocence.

Rumoured has it that the place was cursed ever since the Aw Brothers (the founders) built the place at the request of the king of hell they met in their dream. Despite the large amount of visitors, the place suffered several financial problems. It became a free to enter park (sans all the performances it used to have) since 1998. Seeing the state it is in right now, it would not be too far-fetch to consider the authenticity of the rumour.

(The above photo is shot on scene and yes, it’s bloody.)

虎豹別墅是建于1937年的一项主题公园。 它的目的仅在于比I-phone 更快毁灭小朋友们的天真无邪。

