Lore: Law



Ashania’s law was dictated by their religious teachings of Gareel and the moral compass of local Ashania. There were many laws and punishments obsoleted by the outside world, but still continued to practice in Ashania. To understand why Ashania’s law was so vastly different from other nations and cities, we have to first understand the nature of the religion, Arilism.

Arilism was originated from an older religion called Honislianity, used to spread the teachings and wisdoms of the god named Gareel, illustrating his journey while in moral form from Miriandynus to other planes and worlds to find the Truth, the Answer, to the origin of the multiverse. Gareel’s pilgrimage was met with trials and dangers, and was often lured by demons and beasts away from the path to the truth. One such demons was Moir. Unlike other of her kin, Moir genuinely loved Gareel and all his moral struggle, and even found his journey to the Truth a noble cause. In many events, the demon even saved Gareel from danger. However when Gareel was nearing the Answer to the origin, Moir betrayed and killed Gareel, wishing that Gareel’s pilgrimage would continue forever, even in afterlife, so she could accompany him on his endless quest. But death did not stop Gareel from reaching the Truth and ascended into godhood after his death.

The teachings did not specify what was the Answer to the origin. Scholars and mages had travelled all over the world trying to find artifacts of Gareel, to find the Answer. Some treated the Truth as a metaphor for life. Due to the unspecific nature, many followers have their own interpretation for the Answer/Truth to the origin, and each popular interpretation gave rise to different faction(later into religion). Arilism was one of such faction.

Arilism believed that the Truth to the origin was a form of realisation. The moment Moir betrayed and killed Gareel, it was then Gareel realised that he could trust no one, not even the ones that loved him, therefore he was able to ascend to godhood at that moment. Due to Arilism’s monotheism nature, its followers were hostile towards other religion, believing that other gods and goddess are false and cannot be trusted, only Gareel was the one true god.

The one most commonly enforced law that shows the Arilistic nature of Ashania was the inappropriate reciting of other religious teaching. Ashania was a vast kingdom filled with different races, it was no surprise that there were different religion that different races followed. However, it was forbidden for them to openly spread the words of their religion. In the past, the punishment for such crime were often burning on stake or public stoning. Throughout the years opening its trading route and sea port, Ashania was afraid that such actions might affect their economics and political standing, therefore the punishment for the crime grew lax and the offenders were often punished with public shaming, sometimes even just with a warning.

The second law that was unique to Ashania was the use of certain demonic images. When Ashania opened its gate to different races, they have bought in different religious practices too. Although Ashania forbids people promoting their own religion, they did not stop them from practising their own rituals. One of such rituals were hanging “demonic” images at the doorstep, warding off evil spirits and beasts. There wasn’t much of a problem to that, except for the image that was being used. A dwarvish folktale had that a unknown female warrior fought off a thousand demons and beasts, but ultimately died at the battle protecting the dwarvish ancestor. It was then onwards, dwarves hang the portrait of the female warrior on their door, warding off evils. However, the features of the warrior was awfully similar to the demon, Moir. This cause an uprising and rebellion from the followers of Arilism, accusing the dwarves of worshipping demons. Houses were burned and thousands of dwarves lost their home in that event. The portrait was later changed to a male warrior and a law was set to avoid any further conflict.


Author: Goh Cher See

I was Cher See

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