Tag Archives: Simplicity

Project 1 – 2D – Research and Development – (After Consultation / Part 3)

Research on Tate & Wabi-Sabi Style

(Links from Tate.org.uk & Wabi-Sabi style)

During after the consultation of our 18 outcomes of the emotions, we were given some feedbacks, ideas, styles and website for us to explore and research on, for our final artwork. One of it is Tate.org.uk, where we can find inspirations and by looking on the ways of techniques that the artists express on their artwork. Another style that we was told to research on after the consultation is "Wabi-Sabi" its one of the most interesting concepts because there is beauty in simplicity. This is one of the styles that I am moving into after some research on the net. 



Finding the quotes for simplicity to keep myself motivated.