Revised FYP summary

1.What do you need to design? (Product)

A fitness furniture/facility

2. What is its nature? ( Description)

The facility aims to learn from traditional Chinese regimen such as Taiji in order to design a product or system that could improve people’s fitness level, facilitate indoor exercise, especially in small space

3. Who is it for? (Audience)

For everyone who need to reduce mental and physical stress and discomforts.

4. Why is it needed? (Problem)

More and more people live in cities. Urban lifestyle  does not provide enough time and space for people, and many people lack the knowledge and awareness in taking care of their own body.

5. What are its benefits? ( Solution) 

The project intends to take inspiration from Traditional Chinese Medicine culture and system.

6.Why is it interesting? ( Originality/Challenge)

My project would be to extend the benefit of Tai Chi to commoners such as busy working adult and students who do not have time to join classes led by Tai Chi masters or coaches. I am not trying to teach them how to practice Tai Chi, intead I would extract the essentiality of Tai Chi – both mental and physical balance and flexibility

7. What will you bring to it? ( Vision)

I will bring a sense of playful comfortness and relaxation, improvements in both mental and physical health.

8. How will you proceed? ( Methods)

I will study the Tai Chi movements and methodology behind it. By deconstructing the movements and gestures, I would be able to develop a simple but effective system for  users.

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product designer on the way....

3 thoughts on “Revised FYP summary”

  1. Hey Kate,

    I was thinking you could perhaps decide on one major group of audience, maybe by age/occupation/social group? I feel like too broad a range of user may cause a lot of difficulty for you later on

  2. I read somewhere that this urban movement is largely caused by people moving to cities for better education and job opportunities. Most of them are young to middle age working adults. In big countries, sometimes it happens that all the young ppl moved away for jobs and leave their children/parents behind. Maybe u can check those out so you can strengthen your arguments 🙂

  3. Kate, you have articulated yourself well. I hope you were able to deliver this deliberation to the faculty last Friday. Ava has some good points – perhaps we can look at which age group this can benefit more (30 to 50 years?)

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