Drawing – Figure Drawing & Tonal Different

Today, we continue exploring on the figure drawing focusing on the leg structure. Learning the knowledge of the bone structure and fill in the outer after. We did a front, back view and a sitting position of the leg structure. It was easier to find out where the leg suppose to bend at which angle.




We continue by learning stick figure. How we draw the line according to the body position and fill up the details after. This was an interesting try out as how stick figure can actually allows us to find out about the body position more easily.


After that, we went on to work on tonal different. We were given a picture of different scene and using chalk, we are able to change the mood of the entire picture. It was difficult for me to shade the picture accordingly as I always tend to focus on the details whereas we are suppose to work on the bigger picture.



Drawing – Space Concept

For homework last lesson, we are tasked to practice on one point and two point perspective drawing.

For one point perspective, we will be drawing our own room. At first I wasn’t so sure on where am I suppose to focus on. Thus some of the alignment is off from the actual position itself.


For two point perspective, we will be drawing temples, church or any building. I drew Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple in Singapore. It was not easy for me as I do not have any background of drawing architecture. It was a new learning experience for me, but it was quite a fun experience.


During lesson, we were tasked to work with the space concept and come out with a large piece of drawing. Total of 3 piece of paper, we work with one piece of paper before joining the other to create the space in the composition. I have to take note of the scale of the object as some object are suppose to appear smaller/bigger than the rest.


4D – Project 1 “Pair”

As i mentioned in my previous post, I will be doing on the theme Pair.

What is pair? A dictionary defines pair as it is a set of two things used together. For me, firstly, in our daily life some item are meant to be placed together in order to function. If we remove either one of the item, the item just turn out to be meaningless. Secondly, pair can also be how our mind automatically links certain things together. When someone mentions an item, how our brain will link it up with another item that always appears together. Lastly, in term of relationship there can be friends, family and boy-girl relationship. They make up the other half of your life, without them it’s like another part of you are gone. There are some many things that come in pair that we neglect because it just comes so naturally. What if one day the item start to go missing, will you notice their importance?

I presented the photo in color and black n white. The reason some photo are in black n white because those are the images that are missing their other half. It also give a loneliness to the image when one is missing.

Firstly, in our daily life some item are meant to be placed together in order to function. If we remove either one of the item, the item just turn out to be meaningless.





Secondly, pair can also be how our mind automatically links certain things together. When someone mentions an item, how our brain will link it up with another item that always appears together.

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Lastly, in term of relationship there can be friends, family and boy-girl relationship. They make up the other half of your life, without them it’s like another part of you are gone.



Drawing – Charcoal Drawing


This lesson we used charcoal to illustrate the surrounding and the model. We are suppose to take note of where the light is hitting, where should be darker and where should be lighter. We have to take note of the tonal different as well, which also consists of the grey tone which some time can be hard to understand. Still trying to familiarize myself with charcoal drawing and it was definitely fun to work with.

2D – Project 1 Final outcome | Reflection


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Emotions can be so easy to feel but hard to express. In our everyday life, we see and feel emotions everywhere. How do I express it in art? I went to look up on the different definition to get a better understanding of each emotion. After, I went online and research on emotions and did some drawing in my sketchbook before trying out on different tools. Those drawing make me have a clearer picture of the emotions.

During the weekend, I get whatever material I can as my mark marking tools. Then continue trying out different tools and get many different pattern and texture. How do I use these tools to express the emotion? At first, I did not take into consideration of the emotion while doing it. I tried experimenting with the different tools and found out which tools and pattern can suit a certain emotion.

I applied the things that I learn in class and the process of experimenting different tools in my final outcome. I learnt that everyone have different perspective in emotion and feel it in a different way. How I express that particular feeling is what I feel about it that others might not agree. Overall, it was fun exploring so many different kinds of tools and the learning outcome was great.

Drawing – Figure Drawing

During class, we went through figure drawing using box. We are suppose to focus on a few point of the body and construct a box within it, its to guide us along on how the figure is position. However, I don’t really get the idea of constructing the box using the point. Thus, this is the first outcome that I attempt and it’s really bad.


Therefore, I went to consult Prof Woon Lam about the concept of using box. This is what he have drawn while teaching on which point to focus on, the axis and all.


The figure we are focusing on the the white figurine.


Then I carry on to try out the method again. I roughly get the idea of what the concept about and still on the process of improving it. This is what I did after consulting prof.


This is the first time I touch on figure drawing, and is still unfamiliar with it. I will try to do more practice in the future and hope to make some improvement.