Drawing – Final Project Process v2

After receiving some feedback on using simplified pattern. I can first think about the images as simple overlapping patterns before developing them to complex masses.

Thus I went on and try drawing simplified figures in rooms. I used images online and tried drawing from there. I miss out some area and did not add into the drawing as I find it too overcrowding at certain area.



I also tried drawing perspective which is something I am weakest in. I can’t seem to get the point right. Still trying to figure out on the go.


Drawing – Space Concept

For homework last lesson, we are tasked to practice on one point and two point perspective drawing.

For one point perspective, we will be drawing our own room. At first I wasn’t so sure on where am I suppose to focus on. Thus some of the alignment is off from the actual position itself.


For two point perspective, we will be drawing temples, church or any building. I drew Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple in Singapore. It was not easy for me as I do not have any background of drawing architecture. It was a new learning experience for me, but it was quite a fun experience.


During lesson, we were tasked to work with the space concept and come out with a large piece of drawing. Total of 3 piece of paper, we work with one piece of paper before joining the other to create the space in the composition. I have to take note of the scale of the object as some object are suppose to appear smaller/bigger than the rest.
