By Hannah Kwah En Hui & Putri Dina Andyana

Final Documentation Video


The main objective of the project is to distort the space. We wanted to limit the area of vision and movement of a person through this project.

Brainstorm Sketches
Idea #1 – Arm/ Hand Illusion

The first idea is a play of illusion where a person places his hand inside a box and the hand/arm will be seen at a different place. 

Idea #2 – Sound Space

The second idea is inspired by ASMR. When sounds are nearer the line of vision of a person opened and vice versa. We felt that it was tough to execute this out and there were several implications to take note of.

Idea #3 – Moving Dining Table & Chairs

The third idea is restricting the movement of a person by limiting the space. Cardboard chairs and tables will be created and attached to a person or people through a shirt where they will act as furnitures.

Idea #4 – Tetris

The fourth idea is inspired by the game tetris and optical illusion. Each person has a different pattern outfit where they have to combine the patterns with others to create the intended pattern. 

Idea #5 – Lightbulb shaped costume

The fifth idea is having a light bulb shaped head wear with cloth draping around to restrict the vision and movement of a person. We wanted light to penetrate through the head wear by creating cracks on it.

Final Concept

After discussing, we decided to go with the idea of the lightbulb shaped costume. We felt that it would be interesting to play with limiting vision and movement at the same time. We thought of a new name for this project, Rebirth. The white cloth reflects spirituality and the lightbulb looks like a lotus shape which reminded of our art history class hence the title.

Behind the Scenes

We did some sketches which we wanted the head wear to look like. We tried cutting out some samples to try making a lightbulb shaped/ beach ball shape. There were some issues in creating a lightbulb shape so we decided to change the shape a little. The individual shape still remains the same.

We decided to make the shape bigger so as to fit the head size of a person. We cut out a paper template which we can follow.

We used the template and traced it on cardboard. Afterwards we stick the pieces together but along the way we realised that placing 4 pieces together the head of a person cannot fit inside it. We changed it to 3 pieces instead and the head could fit in.

Next we sew the sides of the cloth together so that it would go over the person without having any gap in between.

We tried out the cardboard head and the sew cloth individually.

Afterwards we combined the two together and tried out the product while walking.

Final Photo