Category: Prototype 1

Process: WIP After Effects Tryouts 4

Added an introduction so as to create a momentum for the story instead of jumping straight into the forest which looks plain for the beginning. I wanted to attract people in the first part.

However along the way, I faced issues at the ending where the witch did not fade out completely and only half the door closed when I push everything back so as to add the beginning. Every other elements were on point except the ending scene.

Next step:

Fix all the errors of animation and check through the follow once more.

Process: WIP After Effects Tryouts 2

I continue to animate the story. I added a bird that would fly randomly which is similar to the forest animals: tiger, elephant and monkey. It creates an illusion of interaction among the viewers.

The boy picks up the flower so as to bring his love back to her original human form.

Next steps:
Add another rotation for the boy to create interesting effect rather than just walking.

Process: WIP After Effects Tryouts

I struggled with using Unity as I was new to the software. It was difficult to implement the interactive element while using Unity. I could only figure out how to move the character from left to right but not the rigging of the arms and changing scenes when interacting with the object.

I decided that with about 1 month, it was quite difficult to be able to do all that I have planned out. Therefore, I decided to use after effects to complete my story instead.

I was also new to after effects and struggled on how I could do all the scenes I had wanted. However, I had tutorials to help me along the way which enabled me to figure what I could do with it.

One of the tutorial I looked into was morphing:

I decided to implement into the girl who changes into a peacock and moving the characters around.

I added the bird cage where the witch is carrying.

Next Steps:
Continue the story
Fix the background position
Flip the characters instead of going backwards
Change the birds into girls and make the witch disappear
Add an overall ending to the video

Process: Storyboard revision + Illustration + Technical tryout

Storyboard revision:
I decided to change the flow of how the storyboard goes as the user interacts with the media wall. The background will move according to the user and the story changes accordingly.

Revised storyboard

  1. No interaction: Background of witch’s cave with many birds inside cages & a glimpse of forest. Characters: witch inside the cave, boy & girl in the forest (all static + girl switching between a peacock & a girl)
  2. Interaction: Background of forest and a glimpse of witch’s cave. Characters: witch holding a cage with a peacock and boy moves.
  3. Interaction: Background of forest. Characters: boy walking towards the red flower.
  4. Interaction: Background of witch’s cave & forest. Characters: witch inside the cave (static) & boy moves towards birds which changes into girls.

Re-appropriating of Wayang Kulit:

Boy: Babakud

Girl: Umpong-Umpong


Technical tryout:

Using Unity to create a moving object based on mouse movement. It will be changed to a Wayang Kulit to create movement around the background.

Testing of moving object on Unity (above)

Next steps:
Make all the assets (birds & background), make the puppets move their joints and the flow of how these would work on the screen.

Process: Storyboard

More research:
During the weekend, I was searching for ideas of how to create a storyline with the use of Wayang Kulit and I found a video that reflects how I imagine it to be on the media wall. 

The video shows how it changes one scene to another and it incorporates a sense of story. It inspired me to create a storyboard with the mentality of how to make the wayang kulit puppets flow with the story I chose.

The story:
Umpong-Umpong and Babakud
The story is about a witch transforms herself to different animals to camouflage. Many girls were transformed to bird whereas boys were unable to move unless the witch releases them. Umpong-Umpong and Babakud also faced the same situation. Babakud later found a blood-red flower which releases all the girls from the curse and got back his love, Umpong-Umpong.

The storyboard:



Frame 1

Next steps:
I would continue to work on how to appropriate the wayang kulit puppets and explore different kinds of background environment referencing to the story I have chosen.