Telematic stroll – Isaac with Mirei (Singapore – Thailand)

Posted by Mirei Shirai on Saturday, 4 November 2017

So, we literally lived through 2 time zones at the same time. Mirei was having an awesome time in Thailand and I was busy with work at home. We decided to walk down the streets we are in during dusk to show the liveliness and change in the sky’s temperature over time. Obviously, thailand was more interesting to see than Singapore but perhaps that is because I am so used to how it is in Singapore all the years. And this made me realise how much I have taken for granted what is around me in my neighbourhood especially since the landscape is always changing. However, at the same time, this Facebook collaborative piece ignited my love to explore and travel. And I think there is something about doing a live piece at two very different places with different cultures that is so undermining yet impactful. It allows for two diverse cultures and the people interacting to experience the sights and sounds of both places. This opens up a whole new dimension where the mind is able to see far and beyond, perhaps driving new creative inspiration for oneself at the same time being therapeutic.

I think for the technicalities of this piece, nothing seriously wrong happened. Initially, I thought it would be good that we both talked and I’m glad we didn’t (except for parts where I commented on the video). I felt this worked out well because it allows both the user and viewers to experience the journey of cross dimensions peacefully. And yes, thankfully, Mirei’s phone held up just in time to last 15 minutes hahaha. This was fun! I’m thankful to have participated in this telematic stroll Randall:)

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Isaac Chu

Chuwy to the Potter. I don't chew well and neither do I pottery.

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