2D Final Project: EGO



Supportive Family + Chaotic Imagination = Me

[Supportive Family]

I choose the most significant family member in my life to represent my primary support and opted for bolder, stronger colours to indicate both the personality of the person and the qualities of the support given to me.

[Chaotic Imagination]

I opted to use an orderly background crowded out by one of my most significant original characters and a language created for one of my original stories to show the makeup of my creative mind. The words translate to ‘Weirdness and randomness’


Just me. A serious exterior actually made up of brighter, more playful colours.

Exploration – Indecisiveness = Better Me


A butterfly with bright pretty colours is the last thing I would have ever drawn otherwise due to long standing practices, established preferred styles and admitted bias, and so the idea of Exploration is best represented by giving a chance to what I would usually never do.


A genuine case of indecisiveness. I destroyed an earlier attempt at [Me] due to indecisiveness, so I cut it out and combined it with older personal works I have yet to complete due to a lack of decisiveness and inability to be satisfied with my own work.

[Better Me]

Churning out a whirlwind of ideas, characters, stories and ultimately, my own comics, with ease.


Focus x Exposure = Ideal Me


The symbol is an old one, almost 10 years, that I created and always perceived to represent ‘consciousness’. Hence, conscious focus was appropriately represented by it, together with glue drops one would not notice unless focused on the panel.


Encountering people and places of different natures (represented by the four quadrants that ultimately all consist of strangers and the unknown) and taking something back from each encounter. I put myself wearing the colours of the quadrants and standing among the crowd in complete comfort to show the fruits of exposure.

[Ideal Me]

The hieroglyphics translate to ‘The genius of creative utterance’. There are a lot of divine and god-like interpretations and implications to that, but then this IS supposed to be the ‘Ideal’, even if unrealistic, me.

Experience + Originality = Me In 5 Years


Standing upon a telescope with a telescope to represent building on past knowledge from experience with more knowledge from experience in order to reach new heights.


A compilation of my original characters as well as unused drawings and designs. The composition is fractured as something original should not be instantly recognized.

[Me In 5 Years]

A representation of what my mind will be like in 5 years rather than where I will physically be. I want my mind to be so fired up and on the ball I used brain neurons with lightning encased in a clock to show  my overcharged thoughts and ideas are allied with time rather than being obstructed by it. The lightning breaches beyond the clock, being too active to contain.

Colour Theory Research

001 002

Exploration of Ideas

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Panel By Panel [ Me]

[Supportive Family]


Gouache over digital print


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[Chaotic Imagination]


Inks, gouache


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Gouache, colour pencils over digital print



Panel By Panel [Better Me]



Colour pencils, gouache



[ Indecisiveness]


Collage/Digital prints, inks, colour pencils, gouache


015 016

[ Better Me]


Colour pencils and gouache



Panel By Panel [ Ideal Me]



Hot glue over digital prints





Gouache, Inks over digital print



[Ideal Me]


Gouache, Inks



Panel By Panel [ Me In 5 Years]



Collage/Gouache, colour pencils over digital print


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Gouache over digital print



[Me In 5 Years]


Gouache, colour pencils over digital print




Project 2: Nursery Rhymes

“Ring A Round A Rosie,

A Pocket Full Of Posies

Ashes, Ashes

We All Fall Down”

Final Compositions



“We All Fall Down”

The Bubonic Plague was largely accepted as the workings of God’s wrath upon the world for its sins, and as a result, the devout relied on repentance and prayer to bring about their salvation. The blind faith is directly depicted in the blindfolded priest, with the mask doubling as a symbol of the ignorance of the time as well towards the true nature of the disease that swept through Europe. The Bubonic flea indicates the true driving force of the plague’s destruction, and positioned over the priest’s head implies the plague’s rooted hysteria and paranoia into the minds of all.  Posies,  all dead, ‘all fall down’ with their faith.



“Ring A Round A Rosie”

Mice were perceived to be the primary carriers of the plague virus, and taken out of the Plague Theory context, Ring A Round A Rosie is merely a merry rhyme accompanied by a dance about a circle. Here, mice dance the rhyme to the Danse Macabre, the ‘Dance of Death” seen in the musical score, in a ring that drifts towards, and then away from the light of salvation.



“Pocket Full Of Posies”

Plague doctors of the time were rarely learned doctors and healers; rather the only thing one such doctor had in common to the next was the distinct, long-nosed plague mask that identified them to be of the profession. As it was believed the plague spread with scent in the air, the noses of the masks were said to have been stuffed with Posies to block out the smell of death, which ultimately, were as useful as rocks may have been in their place. Rocks hence fill the doctor’s mask, and crosses lay over the skull of the dead man, who as before mentioned, would have been religiously motivated in his views of the plague. His mind, the doctor’s nose, and the skull’s mouth are all pockets ‘full of posies’, and set against a light, almost magical and whimsical background (and inspired by Michelangelo’s  ‘The Creation of Adam’), the carrier mouse meets the doctor from the mouth of its victim.



“We All Fall Down”

The chrome man is spotless and perfection in both form and strength, which translated over into qualities of the spirit, represent the perceived virtues of the souls of the faithful. Perceiving accepting God’s will as the truest act of devotion and faith, they allow themselves to meet their demise, leaping from the cross to join the many before them.

Research and Exploration


Page 1: Thumbnail Exploration


Page 2: Thumbnail Exploration and Research


Page 3: Research


Pages 4 and 5: Development


Page 6: Composition Planning (Prior to final edits)