Project objective : PUTTING OBAMA FACE 

Step 1

Adding image to the screen and using alpha blending to merge the two images


Step 2

Inputting the coordinates of the face tracker and using it to draw the image file.

Step 3.

Twerking the settings so that the face image covers my face completely.



One of the main problems was adding the values of the rect into the matrix and then adding the image.

I couldnt get the right values in so the image responded to the face but it was only around the top left corner of the screen and not scaled to size.


usedstdim 1 was used, taking string 1 and 2( x1, y1) for the start and string 3 and 4 for the end (x2,y2).



Face is detected! Image draws with the box.


The box drawn was smaller then my face so the value of y1 had to be adjusted to cover the entire face.


Color of the face was also adjusted through the channel.

I have yet to blend the sides of the image yet.


After editing the image, the face now fits my face but the alpha blending is still lacking


Thanks Obama