Week 2


Interactive Art in a space creates a moment that is memorable,


The Experience economy.


Absorption thx-1138-4

Passive Participation –

Active  Participation – escape from reality



Architecture without architects


Objects that make people move.


Using the element of play  to make a space welcoming? To encourage interaction?

What is different between an interactive space or a playground?


How can we re/create a space that creates a kind of sensation that would make people want to interact to it?


What are the actions and reactions of people towards the space.


Most interactive spaces forces people to interact in a certain way.

Can we create an affordance for interaction?

How can we give people a space where they can freely interact?

Is it possible?


//Given a set of restrictions/ rules/


The idea of immersion that


Suspension of disbelief


Scattered Crowd – William Forsythe




Repetition of elements


Having a hierarchy and anarchy

Order vs Chaos in installation




Scattered Crowd – vertical organization.


The love for the vertical


The love for the horizontal


How can we enhance this experience and put it in a different spectrum.

How can we augment the way we see things


William Forsythe

1949, New York, NY (US) – Frankfurt am Main (DE)


Plumb bobs, string, compressed air cylinders

Courtesy of the artist


There are always rules in interaction. There in an implicit rule about the space.

Some people would react to it by avoiding, while some people would avoid it.


Creating a dynamic maze.


Creating a dialogue between the user and the interaction


The absence of the Horizon


THX – 1138


Infinite space


Breaking the space


Lighting the room so that the space disappears.


Time and space


To experience a space we must be physically present.


Creating an atmosphere that makes sense for the body and the brain.


The quiet room

