Building onto the idea of a narrative, i thought my zine needed a heroine. So, i went on and started doodling. I came up with some characters that i will use throughout my zine to make it more cohesive since i’ll be using past works and they are all very different. I thought this would be a good way to somehow tie in all my works together.

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With the doodle, i made a pattern in photoshop to use for my zine.


While working on the spreads, i thought it would be interesting to add some elements from comics into my design. Thus, I incorporated speech bubbles and handwriting type fonts.

The text for my zine would be as though i’m telling a story from a third person perspective. Basically describing how i felt when i first came into adm and foundation 2d class, how i felt when i worked on all the projects throughout this module, and how i felt after all of this.

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The lesson Shirley held for Indesign was really helpful for me since i was a beginner at this software. To put what i’ve learnt into practice, I used some of those techniques here as well!

See my next post for the final outcome!