Ego – Panel Two: FTS

My own calligraphy – ‘Fuck the System’. Then digitally manipulated. Then superimposed on itself.

^Reflects my rejection of the greater society due to it being impersonal, superficial and dehumanising. There exists a lack of compassion and understanding. Bigotry and narrow-mindedness prevail. Different is seen as bad and people merely conform to societal norms and expectations. Sheeple. Merely following the herd.


Glitch effect and colour applied with another mobile app.

combined on PS.


I crossdressed on halloween. TO MAKE A STATEMENT. Confusion. Rage. A rejection of conventional gender roles and expectations as imposed by modern, superficial society. More generally speaking, not to force an individual to fit a stereotype or convention. We are all, more or less, unique individuals. Not factory products. We have a voice against conformity. Rigidity. Inflexibility. Why are people so blind.


The final panel:

Fuck the system (FTS) + Statement = Individuality and rejection of society


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