in Process, Research

Assignment 1b – Letter Croppings

For this assignment, I try my best to explore as many letters and fonts as possible. I try to experiment with different font sizes, rotating and cropping the letters, but still able to identify which letter it is.

I do realise how certain cropping for some letters can be dangerous; b, d, p and q, as these letters are very similar.

I also try to play with the black and white background, additionally trying to create different negative spaces with the letters.

During this try out, I do realise that I gravitate towards cursive fonts because of how flamboyant they look, especially letter like: F,B, K, L and P. The way the letter is written has a very nice flow to it.

Overall, I genuinely do enjoy this activity as it really allows me to explore different fonts and have a closer look at the letter’s unique parts. It shows me the possibilities these letters can create.

The fonts I’ve used:

  • Apple Chancery
  • Bodoni 72 Smallcaps Book
  • Bradley Hand Bold
  • Brush Script MT Italic
  • DIN Condensed Bold
  • Impact
  • Noteworthy
  • Phosphate
  • Rockwell
  • Savoye LET Plain:1.0
  • Shopping Script Demo
  • SignPainter
  • Skia
  • Snell Roundhand
  • Superclarendon
  • Trattatello
  • ヒラギノ角ゴシック