GLITCH It??!!?!?!!



Original photo

Today’s class was about trying out glitches by adding filters onto our group mate photos, as the layers of filters alter the original image until almost recognisable. This was my original photo!! Below are the images after three rounds of alterations by my group mates!!

Glitch 1
Glitch 2
Glitch 3

This project explores glitch art and produces pieces that will probably be impossible if done by myself because I would never imagine to edit it to be this manner. This shows our collaborative effort as we put our own twists into the images that we received.

One Reply to “GLITCH It??!!?!?!!”

  1. Very nice, although I think my favorite is “glitch 2.” I am curious how the group process creates a result that you would never imagine yourself. This is very true, but do you think that working collectively allows us to move outside our comfort zone, our habits? That is precisely the goal of the project.

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