A line is a dot that went for a walk…

 When I first encountered this project, I had no idea where or which one to begin with. In an attempt to clarify the jumbled emotions, I had broken down each of them based on both their definition & my own interpretation.
I recalled the times where I experienced each of the emotions, and translated them onto the paper. This led to an exploration of the use of dots, lines & shapes, and the manipulation of which to produce a sense of harmony, unity, movement, balance, etc.


  1. ANXIOUS – adj. worry, nervous, uneasy, distressed, edgy, jumpy
    shaky lines; distortion of form; variation of intensity
    Reference: The Scream by Edvard Munch
  2. EMBARRASSED – adj. awkward, uncomfortable, blushing, shame
    wiggly lines to show act of avoiding/attempt to hide; hexing to show flush and shame
  3. AGGRESSIVE – adj. hostile, forceful, violent
    full of strength; full force -> slashing of paper with a penknife
    furious and quick application of pen strokes, repetition throughout to show intensityIMG_20150907_193659
  4. EXHAUSTED – adj. very tired, worn out, weary, low in energy
    energy level of molecules/energy diagram; decrease in fluctuation of energy to 0
  5. AWKWARD – adj. difficult situation, a little weird
    stretchy “hands” reaching into unfamiliar areas, sense of discomfort
  6. SLOVEN – adj. untidy, careless, messy
    newspaper as a symbol or messiness; overlapping of subject matter
    contrast drawn between curve and straight, organic and geometric
  7. FRAGILE – adj. easily broken or damaged, delicate, vulnerable
    use of thin, frail lines; feathers, thin glass, cracks
    soft/flimsy/fluffy texture of shredded tissues
  8. SENSUAL – adj. arousing gratification of the senses, physical pleasure
    smooth, curvy; gentle, soft touch
    use of graphite pencil for soft linesIMG_20150907_193752IMG_20150907_194043
  9. INDECISIVE – adj. contradictory, unable to decide
    neither here nor there, but wants both? (presence of >1 options)
    constant switch between different locations; circles to represent GPS signals
  10. NONSENSICAL – adj. having no meaning, making no sense, illogical
    use of random materials; juxtaposition of different random shapes and objects
    unpredictable, unexpected, mojojojoIMG_20150907_193824
  11. DISTRACTED – adj. unable to concentrate, attention diversion
    presence of a main focal point, amongst other focal points?
    vines and tentacles to allure
  12. BIZARRE – adj. very strange, unusual, peculiar, odd, unpredictable
    first thing that came to mind -> aliens
    eyes as most striking features of an alien; able to show direction, sense of frenzy/weirdnessIMG_20150907_193853
  13. SYSTEMATIC – adj. methodical, orderly, fixed
    rigid patterns; repetition, grids, geometric forms; very balanced
  14. LYRICAL – adj. expression of emotions in an imaginative, beautiful way
    associated with undisrupted flow; smooth and curvy linesIMG_20150907_193914
  15. PSYCHOTIC – adj. suffering from psychosis, unbalanced emotions, crazy
    a bit of aggression involved; unsettled, frenzied
    use of fire on paper + splattering of ink (dots) to show danger and mental instability
  16. TURBULENT – adj. conflict, disorder, unstable, full of ups and downs
    violent movements of water/air; stormy seas or airplane turbulenceIMG_20150907_194010
  17. SPONTANEOUS – adj. occurring as a result of sudden impulse, without thinking
    strong sense of movement, no hesitation
    fireworks and arrows; straight and directional/in all directions
  18. AMBIGUOUS – adj. not clear or decided representation of the ripple effect of water and empty eyes through ellipses
    blurry lines using water colourUntitled

    Medium used: pen, marker, pencil, tissues, thread, water colour, newspaper, chinese ink, wood, fire




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