VC II | exploratory research & findings

To know about the general public’s take on Child Sexual Abuse, I conducted a online google survey.

Target Audience of Survey: Parents, adults, people who have direct and most influence on children.

The survey had 30 responses, and within the 30, 6 are parents.

From this survey, I had the purpose of wanting to gather more information regarding 2 topics.

  1. Parents educating children on sexual abuse now
  2. Receiving education on sexual abuse when the respondents were growing up

Here’s the link to the survey:

In my survey, I categorized my questions into a few sections.

How do parents educate their children on sexual abuse

It seems that most parents do educate their children, but they face the same challenge / issue when educating. They have to explain to their kids in simple terms, in case they do not understand. When educating, examples always aid them. Even if they do not educate, they are open to trying ways to educate if there are options available.

Adult’s knowledge of sexual abuse as a child

Majority learn about child sexual abuse at the age of 10 – 14 years old (preteen), mainly finding out via the Internet or word-of-mouth. Many agree that aged 10 is a good time to start educating children, but if possible, we should try and start from a young age, when they are able to understand already, such as 5 – 6 years old. There’s a mix between whom to educate, between parents and teachers, as they are both suitable candidates, being close to the child.

Adults current knowledge & TAKE about child sexual abuse

On educating children, there are some suggestions of having a talk session, playing of videos, visual guidance and games.

Unanimously, all the surveyors agreed that such incidents occur due to the pedophiles and the potential gradual increase in them.
All of them believe that sexual abuse on children can be, at least minimized.

All of the respondents do not know of any current implementations for educating child sexual abuse, and majority do not know who to contact when such cases arises.
I posed a question on whom they think are the main offenders of such act, and there is a tie between “strangers, relatives and step-parents”. Based on research data, step-parents are the most common offenders, and not much of strangers.

Out of the 30 respondents, 6 of them know of people whom experienced sexual abuse as a child, and only 1 seeked help.
Those that did not seek help are afraid that no one will believe their words or are simply too scared to sound out.

I also asked my respondents on their opinion of adults not believing it when children sound out about being sexually abused, and why they think so, and if they agree that there are side effects on victims who do not sound out.

Cause I’m concerned with: Lack of education methods for child sexual abuse, to children.

Issues surrounding it: Parents themselves are unsure about the topic (not knowledgeable), do not know how to approach the issue, unsure how to make sure that their children understands the issue.

Based on my findings:
  1. 60% of parents feel that their children are only a little informed about sexual abuse.
  2. 50% discover about the term sexual abuse at aged 10 – 14.
  3. Parents are unsure of how to give their children the proper education child sexual abuse.
  4. Education on sexual abuse is important for children, as it can help lower the cases occurring, and raise awareness amongst kids.
  5. Sexual abuse cases occurs more than what is shown on the news, and they are not known because the victims are afraid of the consequences, fear of the offender and do not know who to trust to sound out.
  6. Children’s words might not get taken seriously by adults (it’s a bad thing!!! children are actually more truthful than adults are, personal pov)
  7. It’s agreeable that it’s important to speak up if one has experienced such incident, as there are side effects that affects the society when they grow up.

Target Audience: (Can I have more than 1 target audience?)
Initial target audience was children, to educate them on sexual abuse. However I feel that there is a need to educate parents first on child sexual abuse, before they can educate their children.


Adults have the strongest influence on children, especially parents, teachers or adults whom they have close relations with. They should also receive education and basic knowledge about sexual abuse, knowing that even a close relative can be an offender, and make sure that their children know what’s their personal physical limit.

Children needs to be educated on sexual abuse, as it might happen to them without them realising, and they might shake it off if the offender is someone close to them.


If adults were to educate children on sexual abuse, naturally, children will confide in them if they were to experience this issue.
Before educating children, we should educate adults on child sexual abuse, what consequences / side effects will be faced, and how they should treat children when faced with this issue. They should also know the importance of trust, and not diss them off the matter. If the child were to confide once and get dissed off, they will never bother trying again, and close themselves off.

If faced with this issue, children should be encouraged to speak up and inform an adult (parent or a teacher), even if they are scared of the offender.

Based on all these information I’ve collected, I’ll proceed to work draft on my data visualisation infographic.

Till then,

ILLUS | self-portrait

starting off illustration with designers, we were tasked to come up with a stylised self-portrait of ourselves with the things I loved.

Firstly, I started off with penning down the things I loved and brainstormed from there.

I decided on the following words: pasta, dogs, music, flowers

Next, I started thinking about the style I want to go forth. digital illustration? traditional illustration? watercolour? pen? pencil? and the list goes down…

After some dilemma with myself, I chose to do a traditional illustration with pen. I went to Pinterest to get some inspiration and I sure found some that coincides with the style I settled for!

I referenced my work to the works of the following artists:

Iain MAcarthur


I really like the way he used pen to do such a detailed portrait illustration! Thick and thin lines were also heavily used to show contrast. I also liked the way he incorporated elements into the female’s hair. Overall, it’s a very well done piece.

henn kim

I really like her style of work as she plays with the tonal range of black and white only, and her work has a clean, slate look.

I’m also very into blackwork sketches and tattoos, and I want to express my self-portrait using that method, and think that Henn Kim’s work is really suitable.

Illustration theme: Blackwork tattoo sketch, using pens. 

I came up with several layouts based on the keywords I decided upon.

These are just basic rough sketches of the layout I wanted. Before doing a more detailed sketch, I wanted to sketch out the keywords I decided on.

Here are detailed sketches of my proposed layouts.

layout 1

I did a portrait illustration of my face, with my hair being elements of the things I love. I split the hair into half, one side filled with pasta, and the other side – dogs and flowers. I used a radio to replace my nose as I like music, and I have the tendency to flare my nostrils and they look like they’re dancing to music!

layout 2

To show my portrait, I used glass pieces. Glass are like mirrors, which shows a reflection of ourselves. I wanted to use the glass pieces to show a reflection of myself and the things I like. Thus I had a mixture of my face, and things I like in different pieces of glass.

layout 4

In this layout, I wanted to use the concept of my lower body going into the cassette tape, and my upper body part coming out of the polaroid camera.
Between both the tape and camera, I included things I liked. However I felt that this piece is not very cohesive and there isn’t a main focal point, with everything spread out within the page.

layout 4

In this layout, it’s a plate of pasta! I tried to portray a mountain of pasta, wth things I like and I am – the meatballs of this dish! I like this concept as I think it’s really cute that it’s a plate of pasta. However, I felt that it does not show the self-portrait of me that much as I’m not the focal point.

Amongst all 4 layouts, many had different views. During the group critique, I tried asking for the class to vote for the design they like best / I should go forth with. However there are mixed opinions and it ended up in a tie between Concept 1 and 2.

After a consult with Lisa, she recommended me to proceed with Concept 1 as it fits the theme – self-portrait illustration, compared to the others. Some notes for me to take for Concept 1 was:
adding meatballs, pasta sauce, and different variety of pasta.
I should also make The Eye more realistic.
Add details to fill up the gap at the right side of the hair.

Following the critique and consult session, I was clearer about which idea to go with and how to make it better.

As I’m using traditional illustration, I used A3 paper and hand-drew it all over again. I’m pretty satisfied with the final outcome of the assignment! Compared to the detailed sketch, this was really wayyyy better!

This is the final artwork, after some lighting edits on Photoshop!


I really really enjoyed the process of producing my self-portrait! I haven’t been in touch with pen sketching in the longest time ever, and being able to touch on it, and illustrate things I like, it just makes me really happy! Maybe one day, I’ll be confident enough to draw something and tattoo it on myself!!! #randomthought

Till then,