2D | coloured ego

When I started researching on colours, I first went ahead to search on the meaning of colours.


Certain colours convey certain emotions and I wanted to use the colour to convey certain emotions for certain equations.

For example, for Blue, the negative emotions it has relates to fear/worry, and can also relate positively to love. For Red, it relates to passion, and so forth.

Next, I went to pick the colours I wanted to incorporate into my equations. I started using Adobe Color, a color wheel software that aids you in picking colours!

There are a variety of color rule options, such as complementary, triad, monochrome, analogous, etc, basically all the colour harmonies we can experiment with for Project Ego! However, as I wanted to have a more neutral and pastel color palette, I realised that Adobe Color wasn’t a good platform to use, as they are more of bright, bold colours.

Next, I went online to search on pastel colour palettes, and chanced upon this site , Colour Palettes, which shares tons of colour palettes for references for home decor and anything under the sun! I started browsing through, and decided to use the color palettes I found there as the color palettes for my equations!
Below are the colour palettes I selected!



Image result for pastel colour palette red blue

Image result for pastel colour palette red blue

Till then,