You’re The Only One I See; You Take My Breath Away

You’re The Only One I See; You Take My Breath Away, 2019
by Jacelyn, Jiaman, Tisya, Valerie

Materials used: Styrofoam cups, plastic tube, ribbons and tape

A device that allows two individuals to engage in an intimate manner without any physical interaction. A pair of styrofoam goggles that forces eye contact to take place, while the plastic tube is used for the individuals to either breathe or talk into it. The two individuals will engage with one another for a minute. 

We realise that it’s quite difficult for people to be in direct eye contact for a certain period of time as one will tend to look away first. Ang apparently, research shows that when two individuals look into each other’s eyes for 4 minutes, there’s a chance of them falling in love! Anyway, we wanted to make the experience even weirder by letting the participants hear each other’s breathing. We felt that hearing another’s breathing gives a rather intimate and weird feeling as you don’t normally hear this unless you’re sleeping next to a loved one. Thus, we were curious if this device will force two strangers to become more familiar with one another under such circumstances, and maybe it may spark some interests? 

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