3D Assignment 1 (process)


For the first week I was still quite lost regarding about surface tension as this term and idea is rather new to me. I was also figuring out how to put all the techniques together.

The techniques:

-Vary in proportion

-Vary in size

-Vary in shapes

-Vary in axis

-No perpendicular or parallel

-Vary in arrangement

-Moderate surface tension


So, I tried out by making my clay while remembering all of this information in my mind. At first, I thought it is going to be easy but I was wrong! Moulding the clay requires a lot of control more then I’ve imagine. If not, dents will end up everywhere and not to mention that we have to mould before the clay dries up(I thought it was a one time thing, but along the way I’ve learn some methods to keep it moist so I can keep coming back to work on it and smoothen it again). Also, combining all the rules together was quite challenging as there are so many things to take note of! Its always like if I am able to do a few of the pointers, there will bound to be a few pointers I couldn’t meet. So my week 1 clay is quite disastrous AHAH.



Clay 1

To improved on:

-Surface tension too high

-Looks more like 4 shapes instead of just 3

-Surface is too rough can be better polished

-Shapes doesn’t have any variation

-Proportion: 2 of the shapes are having similar sizing


Clay 2


To improved on:

-Surface tension too high (to help with that probably the middle empty space can be covered up)

-Some shapes are arranged in a way that is perpendicular which makes it look too ridgid

-Surface is too rough can be better polished


Clay 3

To improved on:

-Surface tension too high

-Try to avoid having limbs

-Try to avoid having shapes that are having a too strong characteristic (basically any edges, pointed tips, geometrical shapes)



I have learn a lot form the consultation and critique session!



concave clay 1

Good points:

  • Surface tension is right
  • Concave joins shapes together
  • The use of different concave methods

Bad points:

  • Back is too plain
  • Axis are all pointing outwards, thus not as interesting to look at


concave clay 2

Good points:

  • Surface tension is right
  • Concave joins shapes together, have relations with each other

Bad points:

  • Concave can end with a subtle finish instead of a deep depression to show more flow


concave clay 3

Good points:

  • Concave with a subtle end

Bad points:

  • Back is too plain
  • Axis are all pointing outwards, thus not as interesting to look at


After consultation, the far left is one  that I would like to further work on towards my final clay.