2D foundation: PROJ 1 – Research



It is the usage of any techniques that creates any line, pattern and texture mark on any kind of surfaces to create a piece of art~


Mono printing–

Using etched plate or any material with patterns such as lace, leaves to create prints by manually adding(addition method) or removing ink(subtraction method) from a plate. Thereafter, print is printed by using a printing press.


A technique used to create texture effect by shading/rubbing lead, colour pencils, charcoal over a paper that is laid on top of a textured surface

Nail polish marble art–

The technique of pouring different coloured nail polish in to a basin of water. Stirring with a stirring stick to create spiral/wavy designs. Thereafter, put a watercolour paper on the surface of the nail polish coloured water for the paper to imprint the design on to your paper.

Smoke painting–

Also called fumage is a technique use to create marks/art pieces by using the smoke of a lit candle on paper. It is a technique invented by Austrian-Mexican artist Wolfgang Paalen. This technique create interesting effect which usually looks very free and uncontrolled. It is done by placing candles under the paper while keeping a distance when you move your candle in different directions. You can even further enhance your art work by adding oil paint or acrylic.


A technique that requires a layer of colourful paint, and then adding on another layer of black and using sharp tools to scratch off the black allowing the colour to surface,


Applying paint on to paper and fold it to half. Pressing with pressure. Unfolding the paper to create a mirrored art piece.

Glimmer mist–

Technique of creating marks using spraying of coloured mist in different manner.


Some tools that I’ve researched that can be use on our mark making assignment:)

Taken from google<br /> http://1plus1is1.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/HandmadeBrushSupplies2.jpg
Plants as mark making tool
Mark making tool(organic)

Intend to use and explore with plants and see what results I can get from more organic tools as such. Planning to tie the plants on to sticks to make it easier for mark making process. I even consider of using food as tool too. To create different results as I wanted to try something new and more experimental.

Mark making tool (objects)

Some inspiration for the mark making tools~


Prints & mark on paper(design/patterns)

Researching to get some inspirations in looking at different mark making design with the technique of using ink.

Lines (part 1)

Some research on how dots and lines and create different contrast and density while making marks.

Lines (part 2)

As for this, I have tried to research on different technique. Instead of using ink, I kinda want to explore with the usage of pen/marker/pencil as technique for my assignment 1 as well~


One of the artist that I’ve research on and am inspired by her style is Julie Mehretu.

I’m amazed by how she uses simple mark and shapes in different random directions/arrangement yet able to create a sense of space and depth which I’m very impressed by. In her work there are variety of coloUrs and shapes used yet you won’t feel overwhelmed or confused. There is a certain emphasis and visual hierarchy in her work. I like how she uses gestural style by building up layers and streams of paint to convey a layering of compression of time,space, place.

For most of her work she uses abstract images of cities, histories etc with a frenetic mark making style for her to express a way of signifying social agency as well suggesting an unravelling of her personal biography.

Thus, I’m very inspired by her style and would like to try out similar style for my mark making and see how things will turn out~


WEEK 2&3


What are lines?

A form of visual language and is form by connecting two points together.


Types of line

  • Contour lines

Use to define edges, define forms

  • Dividing lines

Use to define edges and space

  • Decoration lines

Use to enhance/beautify objects(e.g Cross-hatching)

  • Gesture lines

Quick rough line use to capture moments and gesture


Meaning of different kind of line

  • Thin lines – fragile, delicate, weak, timid


  • Thick/Bold lines – strength, power, stability


  • Branched lines – unity, strength and focus


  • Curved lines – happiness, harmony, peace

~Deep, acute curve – chaos, confusion

~Shallow, soft curve – comfort, safety, relaxed


  • Dark, slashing/zigzag/sharp lines – aggression, rage, confusion, nervousness, danger, destruction


  • Fuzzy lines – soft, gentle, relaxed


  • Horizontal lines – Calm, quiet, stable, earthy


  • Vertical lines – stability, strength, and power


  • Diagonal lines – Uncontrollable, tension, movement, excitement


  • Smooth lines – calm, elegant


  • Rough lines – uncertain, wavering,


  • Broken lines – interupted


  • Connected lines – long lasting, connected


  • Rising lines – optimistic, success , energised


  • Falling lines – depressed


  • Outward lines – fleeing


  • Inwards lines – concentrated


  • Repeated lines – rhythmic movement


Distance/spacing between lines

Uniform spacing – orderly

Irregular spacing – disorder, chaotic, movements


Diagram of lines and mood



What are shapes?

An element that is two-dimensional, flat, or limited to height and width.


Meaning of different types of shapes

Organic shapes – free, flowing, spirited


Geometric shapes – rigid, stable


Square – stable, trusting, safe, comfortable


Triangle (upwards)– stability, power, energy, motion

Triangle (downwards)– conflict, tension, unstable, nervous


Circles – Protective, completeness, infinity, to grab attentions/create emphasis


Meaning of dots

Dots – focused attention

Close dots – high tension

Far dots – low tension

Many, close dots – emphasise


6 shortlisted emotions

Love- Tenderness

Dictionary definition: Gentleness and kindness, feelings of deep affection.

My interpretation: Gentle and deep affection


Joy- Exhilaration

Dictionary definition: A feeling of excitement and happiness.

My interpretation: Burst of excitement from within, with prolonged joy


Surprise- surprised

Dictionary definition: To strike with a sudden feeling of wonder or astonishment

My interpretation: A burst of sudden astonishment


Anger- hostility

Dictionary definition: Unfriendliness, opposition

My interpretation: Strong aggressive tension between oppositions


Sadness- Loneliness

Dictionary definition: The feeling of sadness because of no companions

My interpretation: Left out


Fear- Anxiety

Dictionary definition: Nervous and uneasy of uncertain outcome

My interpretation: erratic nervousness growing into an outburst