in Final Project

Assignment 1: Axonometric Drawing – Castle on the hill

With the task of creating a structure out of a minimum of 15 pieces, I came up with a castle-like composition when I saw the door lego piece.

Since the lecturer often made references to lego instruction manuals during class, I took inspiration from vintage instruction manuals for kids and came up with a counterfeit brand,  “YAGO”.

Click on image for full-sized image.

Isometric Drawings of lego pieces

Process of digital rendering

  1. Raw drawings/Photoshop images

    – The drawings could be better, with improved line-weights, more accurately drawing cylinders on top of each block (please discuss this with me in class)

    – The photoshoped rendered pieces, looks better, however, there is no sign of the outline/drawn image of the hand drawings any longer- this was not the intent.


    – General instructions were clear, except in step 6, where it misses indicating the separate 1 segment piece from the 8 segment long piece. This affects the rest of the build in the remaining steps if one did not add in the 1 segment piece.


    – Need to improve hand drawings.