The One With The Yellow Hat

My second idea was a little more realistic. I decided to think simple, compared to my previous idea. I choose a yellow Construction helmet. Below is my sketch and my reasoning behind it.


As the construction helmet is to actually protect our head from any falling objects in construction site, I still feel that it can still kill you.

So I see the head as the main concept here, which we use everyday. We see with our eyes which is on our head, we use our brain which is located inside our head and in a way, it is our temple, where we keep our insanity and where we make sense of everything.

I wanted to challenged that notion with making a construction helmet which covers the whole head instead of just the top of our head. In terms of our assignment in twisting our perception, I think it relates because when one is wearing this helmet, not only they can’t see, they are practically super safe, because  the helmet is covering the whole face! You do not have to worry about poking yourself in the eye while you walk!

This was the idea that I am trying to play with.

I also make some sketches that I imagine the helmet will look like.


I bought the helmets and start to assemble them with tape to just see how it will look like. I even wear it to see if it fits.

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For now, it is still ongoing as we speak.

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