Assignment 1: Self-Portrait (final)

‘The Lost Road’

This photographic series entitled ‘The Lost Road’ includes three black and white photographs. They depict my current thoughts and mindset about my life. I wanted to portray a more sombre mood with this series. As a whole, they represent my desire to find a good ending in life, something that I can eventually achieve after all the work and energy that I have spent. I currently feel that I am working hard with no end goal in mind and that has resulted in me feeling really lost and in dire need to find the light at the end of the tunnel. The everyday has become very mundane and a struggle as I slowly run out of motivation.

These are the photos from my final work for this assignment.

Final #1

The lost road

Final #3







The first photograph in the series represents my ascend and progression in life. It is a slow, tiresome and lonely ascend. As with everyone else’s life, there are also ups and downs. The ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ is represented in the second photo in the series. There are many objects which we tend use everyday but never really stop to notice their importance. These objects could be used for long periods of time, working non-stop for hours. One of these objects for me would be the fan. It is a pretty simple machine, often overlooked but used quite frequently. I would liken myself to the fan, working as best as it can but does not really go anyway, stagnant to say the least.

The Lost Road (final setup)
The Lost Road (final setup)



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