Point of View- Final

POint of view

final Works

Final Presentation for critique session

In terms of presentation, I decided to go with a white border for each of the 6 pieces of work. I could not use black in this case as it would probably merge into the space backgrounds and you would not be able to distinguish them as easily. I felt that the white border helped to bring out the colours of the image and stand out. It brought emphasis to the image. It also helped to give a more finished look to the works.


[Images Above from the left]

  • A butterfly from the point of view of the superstitious is a bad omen
  • A butterfly from the point of view of a bee is competition
  • A butterfly from the point of view of a child is a game of catch


[Images Above from the left]

  • A butterfly from the point of view of a flower is cupid
  • A butterfly from the point of view of a scientist is the chaos theory
  • A butterfly from the point of view of a caterpillar is the future


I arranged the works according to the perspective held in each work. In the first piece, the main figure is rather close to the viewer. The distance between the characters and the viewer gets progressively longer. The compositions also increase in depth (the background extends further in into distance).

Final Works
Final Works


The largest challenge that I faced during this project was looking for appropriate images. I mentioned a couple of difficulties in the last few posts about finding good images but with low resolutions or appropriate, high resolution images that are cut off at certain areas. I had to improvise throughout the collaging process, change my original plan to fit with the images that I had. I realised I could not have a fixed idea or plan or I would have a problem if I could not find the pictures In needed (it would have left me stuck and unable to proceed). I guess what I’m trying to say is that the project of collaging has taught me to be a lot more flexible and to improvise when necessary.

These challenges have enabled me to think of more creative solutions for the images that I have found and think about how to best use them. After doing the three compositions, the process of generating ideas became easier. I found it easier to think of ideas. Looking at an image could get me thinking about many ways I could use that image, I was no longer restricting myself to just the original plans I had in my head at the start. It made me a lot more spontaneous.

Other minor challenges would be the type of vintage images. They are not all of the same quality (depends on how old they are). The way they look also depends on which source they were from. An image from a comic cover is different from an image from a postcard (e.g. their colours are rendered differently) So I had to make sure these differences do not cause my compositions to look odd or messy. I found that I had to analyse each image and just try out different images together to see what worked. Colours needed to be adjusted here and there to fit with the other images, so that nothing stood out too much.


Comments received after critique session

It’s always really nice to receive feedback on your work. The comments were very encouraging as usual. Many liked the colours and it was interesting and wonderful to see that everyone had their own favourite composition out of the six. To me that meant that there wasn’t one particular piece that stood out and stole any attention, each piece had its uniqueness and was special.

FInal thoughts

I have really enjoyed doing collages. I have to admit it was really fun. It allowed me to come up with surreal and interesting/ varied compositions. Looking for images was a tough process but through the process of looking, I found many weird and interesting ones that were really quite funny. The sense of satisfaction gained when I do find an image that I can use is indescribable (I get so thrilled at the number of ways I could use the image in my compositions). I am really happy at the way my works came out and I would definitely continue to do collages for future projects.