Interactive elements (Zine – Process 5)

So in my book there are interactive elements to make it more appealing to kids.

I remember when I was young i always loved interactive elementsĀ in story books. I liked the surprise element when you open a window to learn something within the pages and also the usual giggles as you make something move. Interactive elements were always fun and magical.

I decided to add it to the zine.

In order to do so, have to do additional prints for the zine on top of the actual layout:

flippy 1


flippy 2


Moving Element:

This is probably the most fun to make and its quite simple.

Just need 3 pieces to create:

  1. A pulling strip
  2. A base for the image
  3. A image

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To make the pulling element:

Step 1: Attach the base to the pulling strip

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Step 2: Slot the base through the slit created on the actual page

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Step 3: Paste the Image. Done!

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A rough video of my experiment:

For my actual, i created the strip with the ‘Pull Here’ sign to provide instructions to the reader on how to interact with the piece.

Flip Window:

Created a flip window as shown above, printing along both sides to get my desired effect. Had to ensure that the words were inverted so that the flip panel will be upright once it is opened.

Below is the result of the flip window:

Alright! Time for the final piece!

Have a great day,


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