
By The Way

A project to design an interactive city guide in our MRTs.

Interface Design (Draft) 

Main Screen: 

Interactive landmarks and pop-up pins for point of interest.


Individual Tab Screen: 

Opens up when user taps on the landmarks on the main map.


Top Screen: 

Permanent banner that shows news headlines, weather forecasts and upcoming station.



First look (non-peak hour) : 


During peak hours, top banner will remain while the main map screen will stay as a window (through the use of glass screen)

Survey link:


Week 10 Final Project Progress 1

  • Group Members: Clara, Katie, Wanqing
  • Idea Focus: Interactive City Guide for MRT 
  • Title:
  • Target Audience: General commuters
  • Problems to tackle: 1) Long travelling time (boring rides) & 2) Unable to board (crowding at entrances/ refuse to move in)

Next steps:

  1. Find out what do people want from city guide?
  2. What kind of content/ways to present the contents to engage people?
  3. How the design could incorporate various demographics?
  4. Consider the peak hours? (space)
  5. Consider/ look into current habits of commuters? (phone, sleep etc)

Week 9 Final Project Refinements

Topic: Public Transport (MRT) Experience

Group Members: Clara, Katie, WanQing

Refer to the link below for our group presentation slides:

Final Project Proposals / 3 Ideas

Idea 1


  • The lack of social interaction on public transport.
  • Passengers onboard are unwilling to move in.

Proposed Solution/ Idea

Through the use of technology, social interactions on public transport could be created by connecting people. This can be done by replacing the walls of buses/trains with interactive wall or floors. These walls not only serve as a platform to connect people, it also acts as a “reminder” to encourage passengers to move into the carriage so as to allow other passengers to be able to board on.

The execution of the interactive walls/floors would be dependent on the spaces available on the carriage e.g. on the bus, interactive walls could be incorporated while on the train, interactive floors would be a better option.

The interactive wall/floor would display games that allow people to “touch and play”. Passengers will get to play the game with other passengers onboard as the games will be in multi-player mode to encourage more social interactions. This is a good opportunity for passengers to interact with one another.


Multi-player mode creates opportunities for social interactions. It is also a good way to kill time during travelling time onboard.


Various games will be displayed at different timings.


Interactive Wall

tileServes as a platform to remind passengers to move in


  • Create social interactions amongst passengers.
  • Great way to de-stress (especially in Singapore)

Cons / Questions to think about

  • Cost?
  • How feasible can this be during peak hours?
  • Safety precautions
  • non-condusive environment on public transport?

Idea 2


  • When should passenger give up their seats?  (especially when they are sitting on reserved seats and are unaware that there might be people in need of it more than them)

Proposed Solution/ Idea

Many factors/ reasons leading up to this problem. Most of the time through observations, people are often too engrossed with their mobile phones and thus tend to ignore their environment.

  • Design smart train seats that are able to sense the environment (people in need of seats)  and prompt the person on the seat to give up his/her seats.
  • In times of need when there are limited reserved seats (currently there are only 4 per carriage), these smart train seats could turn into reserved seats through the use of colors, light together with a smart interface to cater to more people in need to sit during the ride.


Smart Seats that are able to switch its colors/light indication to remind people to give up their seats to the others who need it more than them


  • Possible solution to when we should give up our “reserved seats”
  • Creating a more friendly public transport experience.

Cons / Questions to think about

  • Cost?
  • Effectiveness? How do you determine who needs the “reserved seats” or “deserve” it more than the others?

Idea 3


Singaporeans are lacking in a living a healthy lifestyle. In fact, 7 out of 10 Singaporeans are not exercising enough. Are there ways to motivate people to exercise?

Proposed Solution/ Idea

The main reason why people are not exercising enough is mainly due to the lack of motivation to do so. Hence, with the use of augmented reality technology, people can exercise in a fun way which essentially make them exercise more frequently.

When user “enters” the augmented reality, it could be in the form of a game e.g. hide’n seek, maze runner concept game where users are infused in the game setting environment. During the process, they will be prompt to do different sets of exercises (depends on their choices) while playing the game. The trick is that when users are exercising during the process, they would not feel that they are “exercising” in a sense as they would be having fun at the same time.



During the process of the game, users would be prompt to do various exercises e.g. “Run away from the zombies”


  • New way to motivate people to exercise, keeping up with an active lifestyle.
  • Great way to destress

Cons / Questions to consider 

  • Where do users conduct this activity? gym? home? outdoor?
  • Safety precautions
  • Losing touch with nature? (when we exercise)

Assignment 6 Part 1

DAY 1 – create a diary of when, why and what you use your mobile device for. Observe how others are using their mobile devices. What are the most common uses and where do you see these behaviors?

Date: 13th September 2016, Tuesday

Time period: 7am-7pm

The log below shows the activities I used on my phone throughout the day.

Time What was used on my phone? Why was it used?
6am Alarm clock app


Woke up for school

Checked for important messages

6.30am Checked clock on my phone Made sure that I left house on time while preparing in the morning

(on the train)


Mail app

Snapchat, Instagram

News app


Listened to music on the way to school

Checked and cleared emails

Checked snapchat messages from friends/ browsed feed on instagram.

Scanned through daily news updates

Replied to text messages

8.45am SG NextBus app Checked for time of arrival for the next bus to school

(in class)

Checked clock on my phone Casually checking the time
12pm-2pm Whatsapp/Telegram

Mail app

Expenditure app

Replied to text messages

Checked for important emails

Recorded down my lunch expenses

3pm-4pm Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook

Checked clock on my phone

SG NextBus app

Checked snapchat messages from friends/ browsed feed.

Casually checking the time

Checked for time of arrival for the next bus to class venue


(in class)

Google drive app

Blackboard app


Script for class presentation

Checked for class content + other relevant informations

Quick reply to text messages



Expenditure app


Instagram, Snapchat

SG NextBus app


Recorded down my dinner expenses

Replied to text messages

Casually browsed feed/checked messages

Checked for time of arrival of the next bus (on the way home)

Listened to music

From my personal log above, I notice how frequent i tend to use my phone in my daily routine. In fact, the first thing that I look at when i open my eyes every morning is none other than my phone as it is also my alarm clock. Also, I notice how there has always been a constant connection between people in our life through the accessibility of our phones e.g. sending text messages, social media and emailing.

While i think there are pros to all these features to allow us to connect to people conveniently, I still believe that it is important to “disconnect to connect”, especially during the day when we are “actually doing something” i.e. when hanging out with family and friends, during lesson time etc. I feel that checking our phones even when we do not need to have turned into a habit. This behaviour clearly shows the reliance people today have on their mobile devices. So much so that people cannot seem to “lose touch” with their phones. I think this is an important issue to look into as I also start to notice many of the younger generations being addicted using their mobile devices lately.

While on the train, I observed how and why people in public were using their phones.






As seen in the pictures, passengers on the train (from the range of teenagers to senior citizens) were engrossed with their mobile devices. These are not surprising sights and the most common reason why this happened is that mobile devices provide an alternative source for passengers to kill time while travelling. (other than sleeping) Alternatively, people would choose to use this time of travelling to “catch up” with their missed calls or unchecked messages.


DAY 2 – Do not use your phone, computer or electronic device for 24 hours. Create a diary documenting and describing the difference in your behavior patterns. How did you do the things you would normally do with your phone? What other alternative behaviors did you develop? What else did you notice about the difference in behavior?

Date: 11th September 2016, Sunday

Time period: 7am-7pm

I conducted this experiment on a weekend as this is usually my “rest” day.

The biggest difference that i was not used to was unable to listen to my music whenever i go, checking messages/emails and to go on social media. However, having to say that, i definitely felt more carefree than usual as i did not have to worry about missing out any calls or messages. I was able to stay focus on what was going on around me which include the people and the environment. I began noticing small little details that i did not see before e.g signs, buildings. Interestingly, i found these observations that i had without my phone around me rather useful as i noticed how i could navigate to places without the use of mapping apps in my phone as well. I started recognising “signature” details of a specific place in my head, which gave me the ability to map my direction to the place of destination. This experience made me realised how one could definitely be more alert with their environment if he or she was less distracted with mobile devices.

However, while i feel that navigation with the help of mind mapping was useful, i think that the main function of our mobile devices is simply not just to help us navigate our ways or to connect with people. It is about giving users a sense of security when he or she is in possession of it. The sense of security when one could use google maps whenever they are lost in an unfamiliar place. The sense of security of knowing the whereabouts of the people in their life.

Looking back, i think it is amazing how people behave so differently before the smartphone revolution came about. One question comes to mind when we compare the days before and after our smartphones invaded our life is that, by drawing a “closer” distance through connecting with people/environment on our smartphones, are we, in fact, repelling away instead? For example, people in the past would make extra effort to meet up with each other VS people today who could “stay connected” with text messages/facetime without actually talking face-to-face. After all, emotional attributes is still something technology can never replace isn’t it?

Assignment 6 Part 2: Reading

<Thoughtful Interaction Design By Jonas Lowgren and Erik Stolterman>

What is good design?

This question stood out to me because as a designer, I would often ask myself this question. It is interesting to realise how the idea of “good” design is never definite, or rather, subjective. Along with this, it changes with time as we grow as a designer through our different encounters and experience. Hence, I agree with Lowgren’s statement about how we cannot reach a simple definition of what constitutes “good design”. Such a definition is too complex to formulate once and for all.

While i believe that “good” design cannot be measured, it can be “accessed” through certain factors e.g. how functional is the design? Personally, i believe that “good” design has to be honest as it communicates solely the functions to its user and is valued through “emotional experience” with the user.

“A good design is always the simplest possible working solution” – Dieter Rams

Next, the author mentions that the design process is a complex process, consisting of errors and mistakes. On top of this, I feel that the design process is also the most valuable part of design. It is the crucial process where understanding and communication between the designers, suppliers/makers, product developers or even everyone who are involved in the design making in their various respective fields. The video that i have attached illustrates my point about the importance of team work in the design process. I find this video interesting in giving us a glimpse of how real-life design process in major leading companies like Ikea is like and most importantly, how a successful product can only be made possible through team works from people of different fields.


The next point that i find interesting is design includes responsibility.  The common situation we find ourselves in as designers is how we tend to push the responsibility to clients. The complex relationship between the client, designer, and the user in the design work is indeed hard to grasp and as a designer, i find this is the most challenging part of design process. Yet, it is also the most valuable lesson/skill that every designer will learn along their design career path.

Qn 1: How do we strike a balance between the designer and client’s requirements during the design process?

Qn2: Can something be considered a “good design” if it is not ethically/environmentally responsible? (assuming if it is an ingenious or possibly useful idea)