(Still a) Slave to the Foam: Model 3: Ascension

Ascension plays with with fragility. In this piece, the slender domi- nant pierces sharply through the subdominant and ascends strongly towards the sky. e brtittle disc that is the subdominant rests, slightly tilted on the dominant, and nestles the miniscule subordinate that balances in static equilibrium, yet implies a sort of precariousness, that it could roll away any moment.

Profile view


Bottom view


Profile again

model-3-diagram-03 model-3-diagram-04

(Still a) Slave to the Foam: Sex on the Beach

Sex on the Beach features a long cylinder, an off-centre, slanted cone complemented by a sphere. The overall model resembles an assemblage of a cocktail, with the cylinder being a straw, the cone being a cocktail umbrella and the sphere being a cherry on the top.

Profile view


Top view


Profile view


Other possible changes


(Still a) Slave to the Foam: Galaxy

The general principal axis of the whole model implies an upward, diagonal motion, almost as if the structure is reaching for the stars the moon. The long cylinder somewhat resembles the tail of a comet surging through the sky.

Profile view


Top view


Bottom-ish view


Slave to the Foam: Model 3

Front view

Model 3 diagram-01

Side views

Model 3 diagram-02
Bottom view

Model 3 diagram-03

Tentatively final model


I am very pleased with this model and will work on this for my final piece. Overall, I really love the long elegant lines created along the 3 axes and the subtly hidden SO. There are a few spots that still need ironing out before the submission i.e.

  • D is a little too long, will shorten in due time.
  • SO is still too tiny, will enlarge in due time.

Very excited to work on incorporating other materials in this piece.

Slave to the Foam: Model 2

Front view

Model 2 diagram-01

Side view

Model 2 diagram-02 Model 2 diagram-03

Top view

Model 2 diagram-04

Improved 3D sketch model


So far, I am not quite pleased with this model mainly because of its simple silhouette. The only striking feature, perhaps, is the subtle SO. I really liked how the SO was treated in this piece, and so am exploring other ways of making it hidden yet seen (Model 3, post will be up tomorrow).

Slave to the Foam: Model 1

HD photos for HQ model ✮

Front view

Model 1 diagram-01Model 1 diagram-02Model 1 diagram-03

Top view

Model 1 diagram-04

Side view

Model 1 diagram-05

Improved 3D sketch model

MODEL LABELZ-01Generally, I find the overall composition to be quite beautifully asymmetrical and well-balanced. Consistency is true for 4/6 views (front/back and top/bottom) as B‘s length and implied volume (due to the creation of large voids) has a consistently prominent presence. When looking at the model from the sides, however, B‘s thinness works to its disadvantage. C remains a constant SO throughout all 6 views due to its comparatively small size.

Model 1: Complete