Point of View Progress work


Honestly, even though i tried the various monoprints I still had zero idea about what or how I should proceed on with my project.

I liked some of the ideas and the image of the edited monoprints but it still looks incomplete and there was a missing piece that i have no idea how to fill it in.

However as I was looking back on my initial ideas on wanting to cover the different parts of the birds and just so happened that i came across this absolutely wonderful image on google.


This picture is so aesthetically pleasing that it sparked me into knowing what direction i want for this project. Boldly scrapping my monoprint idea, i knew that i wanted watercolour. However, I didn’t want to make it a loose watercolourpiece, i wantedmore defination. So I decided to try a style of watercolour painting/ illustration method that i never tried before.

Overall plan for my boards:

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  1. Wing/ Feathers

Style test that decides all of my panels!

It was the first one that i started with and i forgot to take pictures right after the sketch

I specially made sure that each of the feathers are inked with different patterns, just like on a real bird, which fit perfectly of what i was trying to convey about the different baggage.


2. The cycle of time

i was very much influenced by this image of yosuzume


This was really a fun piece for me to do! Its a very different style and composition that i would usually do. This is a first for me! I really love how it worked out.


By this stage, I loved the green and blue backgrounds and I knew that i wanted to make it a series as such.

I made the close ups/certain parts of the birds spotting a green background while the far away birds to have the blue background.

3. Flight/adventure

I was always mesmerised by how birds fly in a huge flock and they never seem to get lost

4. Wings!

5. Head= which represents a portrait/reflection.

Just like the monoprinted bird head, I realised that it somehow feels like a self portraiture.

I wanted to add this in, to have a beginning for my set.

Having fun adding colours to my supposingly dark bird ww

6. At last finally!

Humming bird and dance in the sky

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