They are on the wall…finally

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My initial installation of my rhymes



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IMG-20151025-WA0004 copy copy My installation would work better as a straight line?

Individual Boards:

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Even though they may not be as impressive as the others, i still love them and i ventured out to new techniques and compositing for graphic design which i barely done before. These are valuable learning experiences for me.

p.s. when i got the prints



Final- Rhymes (Humpty Dumpty)


These are the final 4 chosen images for Humpty Dumpty.

As i realised that images by Hannah Hoch wasn’t my style, i have decided to go for the simple and clean look for all of my images. While i was doing all of these, the idea in my mind was “would i be able to do it if i were to do it in real life,by cutting and pasting”. Hence these images are created.

I also created the in such a way that they will link to each other some sort or other. The “weird object” is present in 3 images, the main link and the “egg” physical or implied, has appeared among the images too. This is how i created the link for my picture set.


Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall


Humpty Dumpty had a great fall


All the king’s horses and the king’s men


Could not put humpty together again

Could not put humpty together again