Preparing for the final cut





Deciding what the is size of the strip that should be used. A longer that on that can show the length and probably the “story and flow”? or the thicker one that can show more content?


brooding over which dimensions to choose


A test that i did with brush pen to for me to decide what size to use


If the longer strip is chosen, many of the lines would require collaging. Making the lines look like it is a complete line without a crack would be an interesting puzzle


i tried combining  2 paintings into one. Creating invisible lines?!

After much deliberation, I have decided to use the thicker one as I wanted to show most of my content in one box. Many of my lines can be shown better with a bigger width as compared to the long version.

After deciding the final size, it is time for cutting! The precise measurements and cutting took way much longer than I expected. I did a round of measurements in school and continued the night back home.


Rulers of multiple size and materials for that accurate measurement. So glad that i have the super long metal ruler.


The final window frames! with them collaged together, they work as a line too, don't they?

The final window frames! with them collaged together, they work as a line too, don’t they?

With this, time to start working on the final arrangement!