Project 2 – Text and Image (Advertising)

The object I was tasked with creating an advertisement for is Egg butter waffles by Richy.

When I looked at my product the most catching thing about it was the fact that it was the fusion of two flavours and essentially, I wanted to focus the bulk of my advertisement on the fact that this one waffle can provide you with the experience of two different flavours.

To pepper my advertisement with a bit of humour and complexity i decided to go with the concept of Tinder. The humour lies in the fact that there is no possible realm in which eggs and butter can use tinder, yet it is funny because of that implication. It also suggests that the eggs and butter eventually do find love in each other and it helps with my objective of wanting to show the combination of the two flavours.

Overall I quite enjoyed this project although it was rigorous as a lot of design thought was put into my work, including the use of the golden ratio as well as the colour palettes that I had to consider; complimentary and warm colours would be able to bring across the idea of fusion and togetherness more so than any other colour combination, and therefore I had to be very careful in the choosing of my colours. I also had to consider the amount of blank space that I was leaving in my work; whether or not I was overcrowding my poster with too much information or it was just right.